LAB colors are absolute, meaning that the color is exact. It’s what’s known as device independent; meaning that the LAB color space is the only way to communicate different colors across different devices. Using SilverFast I get perfect scans in CIE LAB color space.
The L*a*b* color space is constructed on the basis of opponent colors theory and contains all the visible colors. One of the main features of the L*a*b* color model is its device independence, that is, the colors are defined independent from the kind of their creation and rendering technology.
SilverFast Ai Studio 8 offers the possibility to scan into L*a*b* color space. Because of the device independence of L*a*b*, such scans are particularly suitable for true color transmission to other devices, such as a printer.
Open the SilverFast 8 Preferences, which you will find in the top menu bar.
Select the ‘CMS’ tab for Color Management.
Choose ‘CIE-Lab’ from the ‘Working space -> Output’ menu.