SilverFastのおかげで、古いエプソンのスキャナを現行のOSでも使うことができるようになった。そしてこのソフトウェアは、様々な革新的な技術により常に改良を重ねられ、Epson Scanなどとは比べものにならないほど進歩している。SilverFastを選べば間違いない!
Today, the Japanese company Seiko Epson Corporation (SEC) is one of the largest manufacturers of image-processing technology in the world. The Seiko Epson Corporation has over 72,000 employees in 88 subsidiary companies.
In 1961, the company Shinshu Seiki Co. was founded, which then in 1985 merged with the Suwa Seikosha Co. Ltd.; the current Seiko Epson Corporation was the result of this merger. The later brand name “Epson” was originally coined in June 1975 when the “son of EP-101”, the successor to the world’s first small printer (model “EP-101”), was presented. In 1974, Epson America Inc. was founded and in 1979 the subsidiary Epson Germany GmbH, which has its headquarters in Meerbusch, Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Epson has a very wide range of products and develops and distributes printers, digital cameras, projectors, cash registers, industrial robots, LCD components, as well as scanners world-wide. Above all, they develop and distribute flatbed scanners, flatbed scanners equipped with a transparency unit, A3 scanners, document scanners and multifunction devices complete with fax and scan units.
Learn about our scanning and archiving solutions for your specific Epson scanner.
Mr. Zahorsky, founder and CEO of LaserSoft Imaging AG, was one of Epson Scannings’s first sales partners in Europe and advised Epson in the development of their scanner technology, which back-then was still in its infancy. The existing partnership that LaserSoft Imaging AG and Epson share began in 1985 with this relationship. Epson continuously opts to work together with SilverFast and encloses a copy of the SilverFast software with its most important DIN A4 and DIN A3 models.
The developers at SilverFast know Epson scanners like the back of their hands and have fine-tuned the software to work exceptionally well with Epson hardware. Numerous additional functions improve ease of use, increase efficiency and enhance quality. SilverFast Multi-exposure demonstrably increases a scanner’s maximum dynamic range. A doubling of captured gray scale is thus not a rarity and provides scanned images with significantly more detail.
Are you interested in a high-quality Epson scanner? We offer an All-in-One package complete with optimally tuned Epson hardware and SilverFast software.
High-quality Epson devices with a special edition of SilverFast are part of the SilverFast Office series. Through customized SilverFast software, they meet the requirements of the German federal printer Bundesdruckerei for the creation of identity documents in DIGANT® process (Digital application process).
SilverFast X-Ray has been specifically designed for digitizing X-ray film. Thanks to individual customization the software is able to extract a maximum amount of details as well as the entire tonal range of medical and scientific X-ray film. Ideal for archiving, illustration and even for diagnostic purposes.
SilverFastのおかげで、古いエプソンのスキャナを現行のOSでも使うことができるようになった。そしてこのソフトウェアは、様々な革新的な技術により常に改良を重ねられ、Epson Scanなどとは比べものにならないほど進歩している。SilverFastを選べば間違いない!
GT-X830 で手持ちのすべてのフィルムをSilverFastでスキャンすることは最高で、一貫して良好で高速な結果が得られました。スキャナをGT-X900にアップグレードしたので、SilverFastがGT-X830で与えてくれたのと同じ効果を堪能したいと思っています。エプソンや[…]の製品は、私の正直な意見ではSilverFastとは比較になりません。
エプソンのスキャナー用にSilverFast 8へのアップグレードを購入しました!このアップグレードの値段だけで全く新しいスキャナーを手に入れたような驚きです。
私はよくエプソン製の機器を使っていて、何の不満もありませんでした。GT-X980はSilverFastが付属しているので、私は購入することに決めました。数ヶ月使用した後、Ai Studioへのアップグレードを行い、ターゲットも購入しました。SilverFastではIT8キャリブレーションが自動で使うことができます。スキャナーとソフトウェアの両方を無条件で推薦します。
BASIC, PLUS and PREMIUM editions have different sets of SilverFast feature highlights. Compare SilverFast's Scanner Software editions here.
SilverFast is adjusted to each scanner model individually. The listed scanners have been tested and are supported by our software.
Here you can ensure that your system setup meets SilverFast's minimum requirements regarding hardware and operating systems.