SilverFast and Windows 7

icon_scanner_60x60 Windows 7 and SilverFast scanner software
Our developers individually adjust the SilverFast SE and Ai product lines' scanner software for every single scanner model. To do this, the scanner's technical details have to be taken into account as well as the different operating systems' specifications.

Please consult the list below to check whether there is a Windows 7 capable SilverFast version available for your scanner.

We work under pressure to extend the list of Windows 7 supported scanners and we will post new scanners to this list as soon as the software has passed extensive testing and our developing team is therefore able to guarantee flawless functionality. Otherwise we couldn't ensure to uphold SilverFast's high quality standards.

Windows 7 and other SilverFast products
icon_camera_60x60 icon_48bit_60x60 icon_printer_60x60 After every edition of the SilverFast DC and HDR product lines as well as PrinTao has successfully passed many elaborate tests, we can state the full Windows 7 compatibility with version 6.6.1r2.

Compatibility with older SilverFast versions?
SilverFast editions with version numbers before 6.6.1r2 aren't specially adjusted to the Windows 7 operating system. Older versions possibly may not run on a Windows 7 machine or may cause some errors. For example, installation and stability problems may occur.

update_01 It's always recommendable to use the latest SilverFast version available. If you already own a SilverFast version the update is free or available for a discounted rate.

SilverFast is Windows 7 compatible for the following scanners:

Scanners with this symbol icon_15_sf6 are supported by SilverFast 6.6.
Scanners with this symbol icon_15_sf8 are supported by SilverFast 8.

Your scanner is not listed?
Please download the latest Windows 7 compatible scanner driver from your scanner manufacturer's website and test SilverFast with Windows 7 before buying it. When downloading SilverFast for this test please choose Windows Vista as your operating system.

For further information regarding your scanner please have a look at our list of supported scanners.
Scanner Quick Info

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