
icon_scanner_60x60 Windows 11 and SilverFast software
Our softwares for editing digital images, SilverFast 8 & 9 HDR, are fully compatible with Windows 11. SilverFast HDR and SilverFast HDR Studio can therefore be used from version 8.8 or later with the latest Microsoft operating system.

The compatibility of the SilverFast scanner software is also dependent on the manufacturer's device drivers. If the scanner manufacturer provides Windows 11 -compatible drivers for this device, then you can use your scanner with SilverFast on Windows 11 (64bit) systems.

icon_camera_60x60 icon_48bit_60x60 icon_printer_60x60 We will update the list of scanners which can be used with Windows 11, soon. Once we have made sure that a particular combination of SilverFast software and scanner hardware is working as intended, this device will be added to our Windows 11 compatibility list.

Once a scanner is on the list, the corresponding SilverFast demo versions and online shop entries will be available.

Compatibility with older SilverFast versions?
SilverFast 6 editions aren't specially adjusted to the Windows 11 operating system. Older versions possibly may not run on a Windows 11 machine or may cause some errors. For example, installation and stability problems may occur.

update_01 We recommend to always use the latest release of SilverFast. If you own SilverFast 9, the software will alert you when an update is available. You can also install the latest update from within your MySilverFast account. You can download the latest SilverFast 8 version for free here. If you still use a SilverFast 6.x version, you can upgrade it here for a discounted rate.

SilverFast is Windows 11 compatible for the following scanners:

Scanners with this symbol icon_15_sf8 are supported by SilverFast 8 & 9.

Your scanner is not listed?
Please download the latest Windows 11 compatible scanner driver from your scanner manufacturer's website and test SilverFast with Windows 11 before buying it. When downloading SilverFast for this test please choose Windows 8 (64bit) as your operating system.

For further information regarding your scanner please have a look at our list of supported scanners.
Scanner Quick Info

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