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HP Photosmart and Leafscan 35 film scanners

Leafscan 45, Imacon Flextight Precision II and Minolta Dimage Scan Multi Pro

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    SilverFast and Leafscan

    SilverFast supports Leafscan 35 and 45
    1. Introduction
    2. Featured Scanners
    3. History of Leafscan

    SilverFast supports the LeafScan 35 and the LeafScan 45 to SCSI Scanners to work with Mac OS X and latest PC Windows Versions, so you may give it a try to move forward from your old OS 9 Computers and speed up your work.

    GPIB Connections are not supported but you can now finally use SCSI on the PC with SilverFast!

    Please see our adapter recommendations for advice how to connect those scanners to current Mac and PC Hardware!
    Featured Scanners

    Leafscan 35 Leafscan 35 scsifirewire

    SilverFast supports the LeafScan 35 via SCSI and via Firewire (using a Ratoc Firewire2SCSI Converter) on the latest Mac OS X and PC Windows Systems. Give your LeafScanner new life using SilverFast Ai with all its up-to-date features!
    read more about LeafScan 35

    Leafscan 45 Leafscan 45 scsifirewire

    SilverFast supports the LeafScan 45 via SCSI and via Firewire (using a Ratoc Firewire2SCSI Converter) on the latest Mac OS X and PC Windows Systems. Give your LeafScanner new Life using SilverFast Ai with all its up-to-date features!
    read more about Leafscan 45
    History of Leafscan

    leaf Founded in Massachusetts in 1984, Leaf Systems Inc. spearheaded the professional digital photography market. It has continued to lead the industry in technology innovation ever since.

    In 1992, Leaf Systems Inc. was acquired by Scitex, and in 1997, the Leaf division began operations as a complete business unit based in Israel. In 2000, Creo Inc., a Canadian company, acquired Scitex and the Leaf division. The Leaf operation continued as usual.

    In June 2005, the Eastman Kodak Company acquired Creo Inc. The extensive Creo solutions portfolio is now part of the Graphic Solutions and Services (GS&S) operating unit within Kodak's Graphic Communications Group (GCG).

    GCG is now the leading provider of graphic communications solutions worldwide. The GCG group is one of the main three pillars of Kodak. The other two are the consumer and the health divisions. The Leaf product group operates as its own business unit within the Kodak GCG.

    The research and development efforts of Leaf are the result of ongoing contact with customers. This coupled with our experience in image capture & color science has led to the development of innovative solutions and workflows for the benefit of our professional photographers. With this kind of focus, Leaf will continue to lead the digital photography market into new and exciting eras providing new solution for the photography community. Leaf is a world-renowned industry leader in providing cutting edge digital photography solutions and is the standard by which other digital backs are benchmarked.
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