Newsletter March 2007

LaserSoft Imaging Newsletter März 2007 auf Deutsch.
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SilverFast - The Next Level.
Sensational Rotation Feature in SEPlus 6.5 and much more....

  1. AutoFrame Alignment and Free Rotation
  2. SilverFast is compatible with Photoshop CS3
  3. New eciRGBv2 working space included in all SilverFast Ai/HDR/DCPro (Studio) versions
  4. SilverFast X-Ray support for popular A3 scanners
Dear valued SilverFast user,

we have come up with more exiting developments for our users this month. One of them is our new unique AutoFrame Detection with Auto-Rotation. We also have joined the ever growing community of bloggers with our own SilverFast blog. On our blog we wish to present you a well selected mix of news, tips and tutorials, either SilverFast related or generally to Digital Imaging. Make sure to take a quick visit over at and subscribe to our feed or comment on our stories. Enjoy today's SilverFast update!

SilverFast AutoFrame Alignment and Free Rotation

We are providing our newest feature with SilverFast 6.5. The AutoFrame Alignment is developed and designed with an easy, comfortable and time-saving scan experience in mind.
Especially when positioning many originals on the scan bed the AutoFrame Alignment and the frame detection will not only "find" and frame your originals with the click of a button, it will align the images in a rectangle order. This means pictures will automatically be rotated to be horizontally aligned. The days of manually cropping and aligning the scanned images in your favourite image editing application are over.
This task will be performed by the intelligent detection and alignment algorithms in SilverFast directly with maximum ease of use. Additionally frames can be rotated manually for fine tuning at any arbitrary angle.

The SilverFast 6.5 AutoFrame Alignment is available in SilverFast SEPlus and AiStudio. All SilverFast SE users are entitled to an upgrade for a reduced price from our website via download or CD version order.
Move your cursor over the image to see the difference!

SilverFast is compatible with Photoshop CS 3

PS_CS3 Yesterday on March 27th Adobe™ officially released their latest and greatest Photoshop upgrade as a part of their Launch event Creative Suite 3. We are proud to announce that SilverFast 6.5.0r5 is compatible with Photoshop CS 3 with this update.
As a SilverFast 6.5 user just download our latest update from our downloads section online or use the comfortable Webupdater from within SilverFast. You will find it within the Information (i) button in the vertical tool bar of the preview area.

New RGB working space eciRGBv2 included in all SilverFast Ai/HDR/DCPro (Studio) versions

eciRGBv2 In the very near future the European Color Initiative ( will publish the new version of the RGB working space which is named eciRGBv2 and is mainly based on the LStarRGB profile from Color Solutions.
From a practical point of view the changes are mainly in a linear luminance axis and the availability as an ICC version 2 and version 4 profile. After nine years of succesful application the profile has undergone a major overhaul internally. The new profile corresponds with the reception characteristics of the human eye and minimizes the danger of losing details in the shadows.

LaserSoft Imaging takes pride in being able to provide this new RGB working space as a first mover with this update and we would like to express our gratitude to ECI and their contributing members for their efforts in advancing media-neutral colour data-processing.

SilverFast X-Ray support for popular A3 scanners

X-RAY SilverFast X-Ray is a special development of the professional scan software SilverFast Ai and was especially designed for the digitalization of x-rays. Due to the individual characteristics of adequate scanners SilverFast X-Ray is able to get maximum details as well as full tonal values out of medical and scientific x-rays. The easy use of the tools with the new Basic Dialog also enables users without special knowledge in image processing to obtain perfect results.

Currently LaserSoft Imaging offers SilverFast X-Ray in two different versions: Recently we added support for two A3 scanners, the Epson 1640XL and the Epson 10000XL. This enables the digitalization of larger Xray films up to the A3 / legal size.

Start enjoying the incredible creative freedom that comes with digital technology today!

Karl-Heinz Zahorsky
President & CEO
LaserSoft Imaging

Phone +1-941-312-0690
Email Sales(at)

Sascha Bruhn Telefon +49-431-56009-0
Email Sascha.Bruhn(at)

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