- SilverFast Multi-Exposure (ME) now available for even more scanners
- SilverFast 6.5 is Vista* ready - free compatibility updates !
- Introducing SilverFast X-ray
- Optimized accurate and consistent color management for SilverFast SE Plus
In December 2006 we launched SilverFast 6.5 and we are thrilled by it's success. We introduced Multi-Exposure which takes the scanner to a new level of quality by increasing the dynamic range of the scanner. Thanks to the overwhelming support we received from our partners we are today announcing more scanner models to be supported by SilverFast Multi-Exposure.
SilverFast Multi-Exposure now available for even more Scanners
As announced with the last newsletter SilverFast's Multi-Exposure generates 48 bit RAW scans which are then calculated using variable exposures, significantly increasing the scanners's dynamic range while the noise of the CCD's is effectively minimized. Hence, more details will become visible in the shadow areas of an image. The independent Test and Consulting Company Image Engineering Dietmar Wüller based in Frechen near Cologne has published a test report, approving the increase in dynamic range with SilverFast Multi-Exposure. In our first release we made this feature available to only a selected number of scanner models. In the last few months we worked very closely together with our partners to make Multi-Exposure available for even more models.

SilverFast is Vista*-ready !
With the global release of Microsoft Windows Vista* we are happy to announce that SilverFast is Vista*-ready! And even better: We will be offering free compatibility updates for our complete SilverFast 6.5 product range.
"For the past six months we have been working very closely with our partners to ensure that SilverFast will be compatible with the manufacturer's Windows Vista* drivers," says Jan-Willem Rossée, Product Manager SilverFast. "As a scansoftware we are Vista*-ready."
Please check our website www.silverfast.com whether your scanner manufacturer provides drivers compatible with Windows Vista.***
Upgrades from previous versions of each product to the most recent version are available online from www.silverfast.com or an authorized reseller.
* Even though SilverFast is compatible for Windows Vista, the essential hardware driver from the scanner manufacturer may not be compatible for Windows Vista.Only the combination of a Vista compatible scanner driver + software will provide full Vista compatibility. Please check availibilty for vista compatible drivers from scanner manufacturers website.
**Due to the currently expected larger demand for Vista 32-bit compatibility the update mentioned above will be compatible with Windows Vista 32-bit in the first step. Vista 64-bit compatibility will be implemented subsequently with no final date yet.
Introducing SilverFast X-ray
The digitalization of X-ray films is a great economical opportunity to streamline administration and archival of valuable medical documents. SilverFast X-ray was designed with an easy user experience in mind. The X-ray dialogue will show only the relevant controls necessary to scan an X-ray image. The physician assistant will be able to perform high quality scans without becoming a professional scanner operator. The proven and award winning SilverFast tools and algorithms will ensure a secure and standardized quality level for archival purposes. For example the simple yet powerful Image Automatic in SilverFast X-ray was optimized for scanning X-ray films in regards to tonal range and contrast optimization. The results are finer details and tonal levels ensuring an accurate diagnosis.

Optimized accuracy and consistent color management for SilverFast SE Plus
Despite the common belief color management is not a mystery! It has found it's way very deep into more and more modern operating systems and ensures an easy to use digital color control. We are constantly working to make color calibration and color management more effective, affordable and easy to use. This is the reason why we have decided to enhance our color management for SilverFast SE Plus offering a new efficiency and level of creative control.
A new tab in the Options dialogue now offers to choose a canned or individual input ICC profile for your scanner and a working space of your choice, i.e. AdobeRGB, sRGB, LStarRGB or eciRGB.
Start enjoying the incredible creative freedom that comes with digital technology today!
Karl-Heinz Zahorsky
President & CEO
LaserSoft Imaging
Phone +1-941-312-0690
Email Sales(at)SilverFast.net
Sascha Bruhn Telefon +49-431-56009-0
Email Sascha.Bruhn(at)SilverFast.com
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