
Dear SilverFast User,

We would like to inspire you with the latest developments from the SilverFast world. With best wishes for brilliant pictures!

Table of Contents:
SilverFast Ai Studio
SilverFast Ai offers great color reproduction tools for beginners and professionals. SilverFast Ai is individually optimized to the hardware of scanners and can therefore get the very best out of your device.

The innovative functions of the new SilverFast Ai Studio offer an even higher degree of efficiency for image optimization:

AACO - Auto Adaptive Contrast Optimization
SilverFast AACO is an excellent tool for the correction of dark, high-contrast areas of the image while preserving the details in the highlights. The intensity and the complexity of the shadows can be adjusted without affecting the highlights of the image.


Extended print dialog with copy function:
The extended print dialog of SilverFast Ai Studio offers the possibility of printing images or image areas selected by frames from the scan preview. The selected images can be scaled, rotated or positioned manually on the print sheet. A 1:1 printout, similar to a photocopy, is also possible. The position of the images on the print sheet is given by the position on the scanner preview.


Picture Setting Dialog
This dialog displays a real-time output histogram showing the effects of all SilverFast Ai Studio settings on the final scan.

The Clone Tool
A powerful 16-bit Clone Tool, extending the previously implemented SRD function, has now been developed. Major defects and severe scratches on the image may easily be removed or corrected. Entire areas of the image may be removed, retouched and altered. SilverFast Ai Studio may now be used for complex catalog production - without the need for additional imaging programs or tools.

Zooming in SilverFast
SilverFast Ai Studio now allows the ability to zoom into the HighRes Prescan at any position on the scan table without prescanning again.

Unsharp Mask PLUS
The USM dialog and its preview windows may now be freely resized and enlarged. This way, better control of the image is achieved before scanning, allowing the user to monitor the final sharpening effects on a much larger preview.


JPEG 2000 support
The support of the JPEG 2000 format enables SilverFast's strongest compression to process such data up to 7 times faster than any other imaging software. In combination with SilverFast's HiRePP function, even 3GB files may be compressed and re-opened very quickly. In addition Raw data can be compressed with full 48 bits.

Using IPTC data:
The storage and administration of scanned image files is very convenient due to the possibility of adding individual comments (meta tags), which are stored within the picture (embedded into the picture data) according to the ITPC standard.


Please find more information and the SilverFast Ai Studio highlights on our website:

SilverFast DC VLT with new features at a reduced price!
For many years, the Virtual Light Table VLT has been an essential work-base for photographers who like to organize, manage and resume images in an easy way. Like in a real darkroom, you can archive your photos, add comments to your images, design albums and contact sheets of the complete picture set, and produce or print single pictures in high resolution with variable sizes.


Now SilverFast DC VLT is even more attractive!
SilverFast DC VLT was designed for ambitious hobby photographers allowing them to directly modify the original data captured- the raw image data - which unlike standards such as JPEG and TIFF - producing images with superior high quality, white balance and maximum amount of image details. Raw images are often called "Digital Negatives" by photographers due to the maximum dynamic range they contain. Accessing the raw image before conversion into formats like JPEG and TIFF allows users to adjust the color balance, saturation, smoothness and sharpness instead of using the camera's automatic settings.


The user also benefits from the adjustable Graphical User Interface (GUI), color temperature control, exposure adjustment and the Red-Eye-Correction. Numerous online

You get all this at an unbeatable price of US$ 99.00!

For more information and the SilverFast DC VLT highlights, please visit our website:

SilverFast SE Plus Upgrade
The upgrade SilverFast SE Plus contains four new features:
  • SilverFast AACO, the excellent tool for the correction of dark, high-contrast areas of the image while preserving the details in the highlights, works automatically with four different presettings.
  • The extended print dialog offers the possibility of printing images or image areas selected by frames on the preview. The selected images can be scaled, rotated or manually positioned on the print sheet.
  • The unsharp mask dialog and its preview windows may now be freely resized and enlarged. This way much better control of the image is achieved before scanning.
  • The support of the JPEG 2000 (.JPF) format (JPF) enables SilverFast's strongest compression to process such data up to 7 times faster than any other imaging software and preserve up to 48 bits.

The upgrade SilverFast SE Plus can be bought at a price of US$ 20.00:

LaserSoft Imaging AG Partners with EFI to Manage the Complete Photography Workflow with a Sophisticated Software Bundle

LaserSoft Imaging and EFI, the world leader in digital imaging and print management solutions for commercial and enterprise printing, have produced a software bundle comprising their successful software products: SilverFast DCPro and EFI Photo Edition 4.0.

The combination of these two powerful pieces of software offer the photographer a package which will provide effective support across the entire workflow, from importing camera data to correcting, optimizing and managing his images and then achieving perfect prints, all in one, easy to manage bundle, at a competitive price.

The bundle is available from certified EFI dealers in Europe only. Detailed information and a dealer list can be requested at best.info@efi.com or phone +49 2151 7627 100.


SilverFast: The Official Guide

Whether you're new to scanning or a seasoned pro, SilverFast: The Official Guide gives you the practical knowledge you need to achieve the best possible scans and images using any of the SilverFast products. You get a thorough introduction to scanning basics, in-depth instruction in correction techniques, and tips for using SilverFast's advanced features. Written by Dr. Taz Tally, a widely acclaimed graphics expert, this is the authoritative SilverFast resource.


SilverFast: The Official Guide Review on www.textkit.com:
... Mr Tally has come up with a clear, concise description of the controls, the presets, and the theory which supports the program, so that a user can both grasp the program and harnass its considerable power. For anyone interested in mastering the important process of scanning, both the software and Mr Tally's book are mandatory.

SilverFast: The Official Guide can be ordered at LaserSoft Imaging, Sybex, or www.amazon.com.

New supported scanners:
  • Epson GT 15000
  • Epson GT 30000
  • Epson F3200
  • Microtek s400
  • Microtek i700
  • Microtek i900
  • HP 8200
  • HP 8250

New supported digital camera RAW data formats:
  • Kodak: DCS Pro 14nx
  • Canon: EOS 1D Mark II, EOS 20D
  • KonicaMinolta: Dynax 7D
  • Sony: DCS-F828
  • Olympus: E1, C-5060 WZ, C-8080 WZ
  • Epson: R-D1

Professionals using SilverFast
John_Barclay Jerry_Greer

Take a look at SilverFast in action!

Yours faithfully,
LaserSoft Imaging AG

Claudia Henkel
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