Opravdu krásné barevné profily. […] Ty hodně usnadní práci. Jejich profily jsou velmi dobré.
SilverFast NegaFix offers a convenient and professional way to convert your negatives into amazing positives.
You can choose a profile specific to your film from more than 120 available film profiles, which take the manufacturer, the exact film type and the film’s photoresponse into account. With additional sliders you can adjust several parameters such as the exposure; in the SilverFast Ai Studio 8 expert mode you can alter any alignment in great detail for achieving optimum results. SilverFast’s NegaFix guarantees a unique control when converting negatives to positives.
If there is no NegaFix profile included for your type of film, you can easily create an own profile with SilverFast Ai Studio 8. Just select a similar film’s profile and adjust its film curves.
The latest NegaFix profiles for your scanner are automatically installed during the SilverFast installation.
There are a few NegaFix profiles that cannot be offered for some scanners.
The basic NegaFix functions allow even beginners to scan negative film with little effort, but very good results. Choose film manufacturer and type, activate the automatic, eventually switch on color cast removal CCR - and SilverFast will do the rest.
In SilverFast Ai Studio the expert dialog of NegaFix provides extended functionality which allows to control the negative to positive conversion to the finest detail. Use gradation curves, RGB and CMY histogram to adjust the conversion to your very special film. Create your own film profiles or revise existing profiles to your exact requirements.
SilverFast SE & SE Plus | SilverFast Ai Studio | |
Selection of film manufacturer, type and exposure | ||
Automatic for exposure and tolerance alignment | ||
Manual slider controls for exposure and tolerance | ||
Automatic color cast removal CCR | ||
Access to gradation curve and histogram | ||
Revise existing profiles | ||
Create your own profiles | ||
Buy | Buy |
The CCR extension is a tool for eliminating color casts. Even if SilverFast doesn't contain an exactly fitting profile for a special film type or if the original shows a slight color cast itself, this feature can produce a convincing result. Color casts are automatically removed during the negative to positive conversion simply by activating the CCR checkbox in the NegaFix dialog.
Opravdu krásné barevné profily. […] Ty hodně usnadní práci. Jejich profily jsou velmi dobré.
NegaFix mi enormně pomáhá při práci s barevností. Svůj výběr filmu zakládám na konečných výsledcích a na tom, abych nemusel zbytečně trávit čas tím, aby moje portrétní skeny vypadaly jako skutečné portréty. Profily NegaFix se přizpůsobí každému skeneru, takže se můžete spolehnout na to, že získáte skutečné barvy i kontrast bez ohledu na to, jaký hardware používáte.
NegaFix je pro mě jeden z největších prodejních hitů od značky SilverFast. Mají spoustu opravdu skvělých věcí, ale pro mě NegaFix patří k těm nejlepším.