
"I've done the Kodachrome IT8 calibration thing with SilverFast Ai for my Epson V750, and it really does work. No more nasty blues. Now I just need to pony up the money to also buy the Nikon CoolScan IV version of SilverFast Ai, since that's where I prefer to scan 35mm slides."
John Shriver, Jan 15, 2009; 07:42 p.m.
Kodachrome Calibration Targets

Our Kodachrome Targets are sold out. Unfortunately, no targets can be reproduced, since no laboratory worldwide processes the K-14 process.

Kodachrome film production has been discontinued: Wikipedia

kodachrome_workflow Learn more about
Kodachromes and the new SilverFast 6.6
(Kodachrome Workflow Flash)

icon_pdf New And Better, Profiled Kodachrome Scanning by David Brooks
presse psd.Mag Photoshop Artikel: SilverFast Kodachrome-Workflow

LaserSoft Imaging has been the world's only manufacturer of
Kodachrome Calibration Targets

kodachrome_01_tn Kodachrome film has been the professional's choice since 1935 due to greater sharpness, ultrafine grain and naturally vivid colors - quite simply the Look & Feel of Kodachrome. It was for many years the standard film for professional color photography, especially when submitting images to high profile magazines such as National Geographic.

Why is the calibration with a Kodachrome target important?
Accordingly the human eye will see more of the yellow spectrum contained in a Kodachrome image than the scanner's CCD. Consequently scanning a Kodachrome transparency with an ICC profile based on a Fuji or Ektachrome IT8 calibration, will produce bluish scans. Only with a dedicated Kodachrome calibration target can correct and original "Kodachrome colors" be achieved.
Learn more here about the SilverFast Scanner-Calibration. With the introduction of the Kodachrome targets we have also implemented several additional Kodachrome features in our SilverFast scanner software - sure to be of interest to anyone scanning Kodachrome film.

LaserSoft Imaging has established an excellent reputation with its own IT8 target production. That is why companies all around the world are using LaserSoft Imaging's IT8 targets.

Some advantages of LaserSoft Imaging's IT8 targets:
  • LaserSoft Imaging's calibration targets ...
  • ... are more precise than other manufacturer's targets, since they produce smaller batches.
  • ... are more reasonably priced than many competitor's targets.
  • ... are especially easy to use with patented SilverFast Auto-IT8-Calibration.
  • ... features a significantly better dynamic range.
  • ... comes with reference data on CD. (reference data for downloading)
Logo_IE The independent research institute Image Engineering, Frechen (www.image-engineering.de) has examined LSI's IT8-Targets from several production batches colorimetrically and compared the data - the results were impressive:

"It can be stated that all IT8-Targets from LaserSoft Imaging have excellent quality. They are perfectly suited for scanner calibration and fullfil highest quality requirements."

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