
2.1 Why was the SilverFast Preview Concept developed?

All the decisions made in SilverFast result from the history of digital image processing. A concept that is intended to allow user-oriented, fluid work must also be as time-efficient as possible and prevent unnecessary waiting time. While in general every new image setting must be captured in the image by rescanning, the preview concept makes it possible to fully carry out a wide variety of image settings one after another and even to use 100% zoom to inspect the results. Only then all the desired image settings are carried out completely with a single scan that looks exactly like the image displayed earlier.

How Does the SilverFast Preview Concept Work?
The principle of this concept is to show the possible end result with all temporary storage of all the latest settings that have been made to the different image processing tools. There is no limit on the number of changes that can be made. All the tools available in SilverFast 8 can be used one after the other. Only after you click the Scan button, the image is captured with all its settings. Since the preview only contains the lower screen resolution, all changes are shown immediately in real time!

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