IT-Enquire on SilverFast scanning software for Heidelberg
SilverFast scanning software for Heidelberg

LaserSoft Imaging releases several new features in its SilverFast line of products, and announces the availability of SilverFast for Heidelberg Topaz scanners.

New features for the SilverFast range include Automatic Descreening, allowing the user to scan preprinted materials without the hassle of measuring the original lines per inch (LPI), thus avoiding noticable moire patterns. This addition is a real time saver when original digital art has been lost and only the printed piece remains for reproduction.

The user is able to utilize it as a fully automated function without any necessary adjustments or as semi-automated where the user can adjust settings in a dialog box. (Now available in SilverFast versions SE Plus, Ai Studio, DC Pro Studio and HDR Studio.)

Scanner noise comes in random patterns and is mostly visible in the dark areas of the scan. This is where the CCD is receiving very little light to work with, so the difference between the signal from image details and the background noise from the CCD and other analog components is too small, resulting in image noise. SilverFast's new Multi-Sampling with Auto Alignment eliminates this noise, bringing your scanner to a higher quality level by extending the usable dynamic range (the level of image detail a scanner can capture). With SilverFast's new patented Auto Alignment function you will notice your scans being crispier and showing more detail in the shadow areas. (Now available in SilverFast versions SE plus and Ai Studio.)

PrinTao is the new professional printing function which allows page layout functionality for images and text.

PrinTao enables you to position images anywhere on the page and resize and crop while viewing an optimal resolution gauge which shows the user if the picture is still in a usable range for print or web, add customized text, EFIX or IPTC Data and copyright text to each or any picture on the page, add drop shadows to text with a simple tool. Photographers can create contact sheets using predefined templates or customize their own. Accurate colour is available for both screen preview and printing using ICC profiles. Finally, PrinTao enables you to create PDF files with the click of a button. (Some features only with SF Studio.)

(Source: IT-Enquirer)
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