Special SilverFast Solutions for various Areas of Application
testfire_banner Testfire
Testfire is a revolutionary system that measures and controls the ceramic firing process.

banner_landyvision Woodstock Vision
The spirit of a generation. Official Woodstock photographer Elliott Landy relies on SilverFast for his commemorative book.

banner_rescue_film_project Rescued Film Project
The Rescued Film Project is an online archive gallery of images that were captured on film between the 1930's and late 1990's.

banner_buch-projekte_en Book Projects
Many interesting books especially illustrated books have been created with help of SilverFast. Here we would like to introduce a few of them.

herbar Herbar Digital
Herbar Digital is a research project of the Fachhochschule Hannover dedicated to efficiently digitizing and archiving herbal specimens.

scanography_en Scanography
Scanography is a process of digitizing objects for the purpose of creating printable art using a flatbed scanner.

heliogravuere Heliogravure
A technology for reproducing Intalgio plates with the help of good condition and scanned original prints.

X-Ray X-Ray
A specially adjusted SilverFast version allows radiographic film to be scanned for medical purposes.

solareclipse_en Solar Eclipse Photography
SilverFast manages to reveal some more details on difficult-to-scan solar eclipse photographs.

feathers_en Feathers
SilverFast is well suited for editing the "feather guide" book thanks to its excellent color reproduction.

banner_stonewatch StoneWatch
ARCHEOLOGY – First traces of human civilization digitized with SilverFast. ROCK ART – Cave Paintings for eternity.

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