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LaserSoft Imaging, founded in 1986, is worldwide known as a pioneer of scanner and digital imaging software. SilverFast is the standard in the field of Scanning and Archiving Software, featuring powerful highlights like fully automatic IT8 Calibration and Multi-Exposure function (both patented). The printing solution PrinTao 8 has great success in the area of Large Format Printers since 2013.
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Software Release:
9.2.4 (2024-05-07)
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Calibrate your scanner with our Advanced IT8 Calibration Targets
Use our SRDx Photoshop plug-in for scratch and defect removal
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A new Generation: SilverFast 9

SilverFast Scanner and Image Processing Software

SilverFast 9 continues the success story of the world's most famous scanner software with powerful improvements. Our extensive know-how of 30 years of image processing and color management has gone into the development of this new major release.

Discover SilverFast 9 and its unique scanning and image processing experience

Modified Image
Original Image
Move the slider to the left or right using your mouse to view the optimized or original image on the whole.

Scanning. Proven. Optimized.

(SilverFast SE, SE Plus, Ai Studio)

This well-known scanner software aims at all those, who want to get the most out of their scanners when creating digital images. Proven and innovative tools.

Learn more about it and why our SilverFast is the world-wide leading software.

Image Processing. Different. Focused.

(SilverFast HDR, HDR Studio)

HDR Studio is different and this is on purpose. It focuses on the essential functionality of image editing and it masters this perfectly.

Learn more about it and why it is worthwhile to try our alternative.

Scanning & Image Processing.

(SilverFast Archive Suite)

The Archive Suite is the complete solution. It provides a unique concept for efficiently digitizing and processing your images.

Learn more about it and why you should trust our Archive Suite.

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Testimonials – Latest Customer Opinions


George DeWolfe – PHOTOGRAPHY



Scanner Manufacturers – Supported Devices


The scanners of Japanese manufacturer Canon are predominantly flatbed scanners, which often also feature transparency units for scanning film material.


Epson flatbed scanners are suitable for digitizing documents and photographs as well as for scanning slides, negatives and film strips using an integrated transparency unit.


Microtek produces film scanners and primarily flatbed scanners (up to DIN A3 size) since many years. Some of the flatbed scanners include film scanning capabilities.


Especially with their DiMAGE scanner series, Minolta has developed several successful film scanners, which are still in use today and convince with good scanning results.


For scanning slides and negatives the discontinued devices of Japanese Nikon CoolScan brand are still among the most popular and highest quality scanners.


As a long standing film and slide scanner developer, the Taiwanese company of Pacific Image Electronics is still on the scanner market with current devices today.


Scanner manufacturer Plustek serves the worldwide market successfully with a variety of flatbed, book and film scanners (from small slide to medium format).


German company of reflecta develops film and slide scanners of convincing quality since many years. reflecta distributes its products primarily in Europe.

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Articles & Reviews

« The most innovative change should be the SRDx tool […] he automatic setting is able to detect image defects quickly and reliably. In addition, the premium versions Ai Studio 8.8 and HDR Studio 8.8 contain supplementary tools, which greatly simplify the editing. »

« Organizations like NASA, Museums and the Getty Foundation all use SilverFast Archive Suite, and I can see why. In my tests, their scratch and dust removal technology (iSRD) greatly outperformed other software often bundled with scanners. »

Outdoor Photography Canada
« Using the SilverFast 64-bit HDRi feature, digital images of slides and negatives suitable for archiving can be achieved without any expert knowledge. …
Tip: Save money by purchasing scanner and image editing software as a bundle. »

PC Magazin
« The good part is that it's among the best known, most widely used, and most capable programs in its category […] SilverFast lets you wring the best possible photo scan quality out of whatever photo scanner you use it with. »


Special Feature

SRDx_31x25pix SilverFast‘s reliable Dust and Scratch Removal now available for black and white film. SRDx features entirely new algorithms to detect and accurately remove defects like dust particles and scratches on color film, negatives and now, for the first time, black and white film, and photographs as well.

More about SRDx …

JobMonitor_31x31pix This App is an iOS monitor for keeping track of scanning and image processing jobs performed by main application SilverFast 8. The App serves as a status monitor for the SilverFast JobManager.

More about the JobMonitor …

VLT_31x25pix The SilverFast VLT is a Virtual Light Table, a kind of image file browser for scanned images. The VLT is used for selecting the desired scans for image optimization in batch mode quickly and well-arranged.

More about the VLT …

HDRi_31x25pix O formato bruto HDRi emprega arquivos coloridos de 64 bits HDRi que contêm todas as informações legíveis inclusive os dados do canal infravermelho para a eliminação de poeira e arranhões.

Mais sobre HDRi …

sf_icon_archive_31x25 SilverFast Archive Suite foi desenvolvido para a arquivação rápida e simples de slides e fotos. Multi-Exposure, calibração IT8 e o novo formato de dados brutos HDR de 64 bits com canal infravermelho possibilitam um Workflow HDR ótimo.

Mais sobre Archive Suite …
sf_icon_me_31x25 Com SilverFast Multi-Exposure, o original é digitalizado duas vezes com exposições diferentes. Destas duas imagens é calculada a imagem HDR final com gama dinâmica (de contraste) nitidamente superior.

Mais sobre Multi-Exposure …

sf_icon_kodachrome_31x25 Uma calibração de scanner com o recém-desenvolvido target IT8 Kodachrome possibilita a digitalização de slides Kodachrome sem distorção para o azul. Graças ao Multi-Exposure, nenhum detalhe se perde e os algoritmos SRD- e iSRD livram os Kodachromes de poeira e arranhões.

Mais sobre Kodachrome …

sf_icon_isrd_31x25 Na digitalização, pequenos arranhões e partículas de poeira se transformam em defeitos ainda mais visíveis. Alguns scanners dispõem de um canal adicional infravermelho, cujos dados podem ser utilizados por SilverFast iSRD para a eliminação destes defeitos.

Mais sobre iSRD …
sf_icon_autoit8_31x25 Para uma reprodução fiel dos originais digitalizados é importante calibrar, primeiro, o scanner - com SilverFast bastam dois cliques de mouse. Os precisos targets de calibração IT8 são produzidos pela própria LaserSoft Imaging.

Mais sobre a calibração automática IT8 …



Museum Berlin Karlshorst Mesilla Digital Imaging Workshops Plustek Epson The National Theater of Korea Konica Minolta West Coast Imaging Nikon Bundesdruckerei Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
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