Press Information - For Immediate Release
LaserSoft Imaging releases SilverFast HiRePP® - Unique productivity with SilverFast Ai and HDR enable fastest image loading and processing for large image files.

Kiel, Germany, 05th December 2001

HiRePP® is the new "High Resolution Picture Performance" procedure inside SilverFast bringing extraodinary productivity to processing large high resolution images. HiRePP® is working in conjunction with SilverFast Ai saving raw data (48 bit) and with SilverFast HDR, opening and processing the raw data previously saved.
For instance, loading a 500 MB image file into Photoshop takes approximately 3 Minutes with a fast computer. With SilverFast HDR and HiRePP it takes only about 1 Second. The processing time of multiple large image data files add up with Photoshop or other imaging applications. With SilverFast and its unique Preview concept processing takes place in real-time. The final processing of all corrections merely takes up a fraction of the overall processing steps and can be run automatically using the SilverFast JobManager®.

HiRePP® represents a real break-through when processing lots of large images. A 500 MB image file takes roughly 20 Minutes to go through the required optimization steps in Photoshop while SilverFast HDR with HiRePP® only needs 4 Minutes.

HiRePP® will be available with SilverFast Ai / HDR 5.5.1 from the 8th of December 2001. The new version will be a free update and can be downloaded by registered users from

LaserSoft Imaging AG is the developer of the imaging software SilverFast Ai for scanners, SilverFast HDR for raw data processing, SilverFast DC for digital cameras and SilverFast PhotoCD for processing of Kodak's PhotoCD format.

SilverFast Ai is bundled world-wide with major manufacturers such as Epson, Kodak, Polaroid, Umax, PIE, PFU, Leica Camera and others.


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