• K (Kelvin)
    Abbreviation for Kelvin temperature, the measurement of the redness or blueness of white light. This is written without the degree sign. Daylight at noon, for example, has a Kelvin temperature of about 5500K, while photographic tungsten lamps are 3200K. Technically it is a measurement of the colour of white or gray based on the temperature to which a black body must be heated to produce that colour of white.

  • Key light
    A studio light used to control the tonal level of the main area of the subject.

  • Keystoning
    The distortion of a projected slide or movie caused by the projector lens axis not being at a 90 degree angle to the screen. The image will appear wider at one edge than on the opposite and the image will not be uniformly sharp.

  • kilobyte
    A unit of memory equal to 1024 bytes.

  • Kodak PhotoCD
    A  CD-ROM containing digital images