Ссылки клиентов
Высшая Школа Ганновера
Ганноверская Высшая Школа была открыта в 1971 году с приблизительно 7000 студентами. Известная так же, как "Университет прикладных наук и искусств Ганновера", является вторым по величине университетом Ганновера.
DER SPIEGEL (Зеркало), ведущий еженедельный журнал новостей в Европе, существует уже с 1974-ого года. Редакция SPIEGEL применяет уже давно SilverFast для работы со своими High-End барабанными сканерами фирмы Heidelberg.
Швейцарский национальный банк
Швейцарский национальный банк, как независимый центральный банк Швейцарии в форме акционерного общества, ведёт государственную денежно-кредитную политику Швейцарии. В 2007 году Швейцарский национальный банк отметил свой 100-летний юбилей.
Общество имени Фраунгофера
Общество имени Фраунгофера было основано в 1949 году с целью распределения пособий и субсидий для научно-исследовательских проектов, которые имеют непосредственное отношение к промышленности. На сегодняшний день общество является неотъемлемым центральным элементом промышленного и научно-исследовательского ландшафта Германии.
Федеральная типография
Федеральная типография GmbH, с представительством в Берлине, обеспечивает системные решения и сервизы для надежной идентификации и ответственна за всю паспортную систему идентификации личности. SilverFast OfficeScanner допущено для DIGANT®-процесса.
Национальный театр Кореи
Национальный театр Кореи был учреждён в 1973 году и находится на склоне горы Намсан. Это родина государственного оркестра, национальной компании танца и национальной компании драмы. Здесь проводятся важнейшие культурные мероприятия страны.
West Coast Imaging
West Coast Imaging – это специальная лаборатория, ориентированная на потребности фото-художников. Существующее с 1998 предприятие производит высококачественную печать для галерей и музеев.
Музей Жана Поля Гетти
Музей Жана Поля Гетти, в Лос-Анджелесе, Калифорния (приблизительно 1,3 миллиона посетителей ежегодно) является одним из самых часто посещаемых музеев США. Музей был основан Жаном Полем Гетти (1892-1975) в 1954 году на базе собственной коллекции ценных произведений искусства и антиквариата.
Музей современного искусства
Музей современного искусства был основан в 1929 году в Нью-Йорке, США, в качестве учебного заведения. С течением времени были созданы и собраны вместе значимые произведения современного искусства. Часто его называют самым значительным музеем современного искусства в мире.
Университет искусств
Университет искусств в Филадельфии - одна из самых старых высших школ искусства США. Для поддержки учёбы более чем 2400 студентов LaserSoft Imaging предоставил многофункциональный пакет ПО SilverFast.
Семинары Mesilla Digital Imaging
LaserSoft Imaging поддерживает широкий спектр семинаров Mesilla Digital Imaging в Нью- Мексико, США в областях фотографии и цифровой обработки изображения с предоставлением SilverFast.
Биоцентр Базельского университета
Основанный в 1971 году био-центр, является крупнейшим отделом Базельского университета. Как междисцыплинарный связной институт, посвящает себя био-центр, с примечательным международным успехом, молекулярным и био-медицинским исследованиям.
Университет Лаппландии
Университет Лапландки находится в финском городе Рованиеми, Финляндия. Он был основан в 1979, является членом группы университетов высшего образования Арктики и самым северным университетом Европейского Союза.
Музей Карлсхорст Берлин
Немецко-русский музей в Берлине, Карлсхорст, является музеем, посвященным немецко - советским и немецко-русским отношениям. Большая часть постоянных выставок рассказывает о германо-советской войне.
Sony Music
Sony Music, одна из крупнейших звукозаписывающих компаний в мире, имеет 25-и процентную долю на мировом рынке. Так называемый Major-Label входит тем самым в 'Большую четверку' звукозаписывающей индустрии.
TU Ilmenau Service GmbH (TUIS)
TU Ilmenau Service GmbH является провайдером исследований и услуг для компаний и общественных организаций с целью создания технологической сети вокруг Технического Университа Ильменау.
Венский технический университет
Венский технический университет существует уже около 200 лет. Он считается одним из самых успешных технических университетов Европы и является крупнейшим научно-техническим исследовательским учреждением в области естествознания.
ETH Zürich – DARCH
The architecture department of ETH Zurich with around 1.000 students is the largest architecture school in Switzerland. Its teaching and research approach, which has approved in long tradition, shows itself in the structure of free design studios that are in close cooperation with the institutes.
USC – Udruga Sokolarski centar
The Croatian Falconry Centre Association USC as the authority of the Ministry of Environmental Protection is officially responsible for the protected birds of prey in Croatia. Since 2012, an Epson Expression 10000XL with SilverFast software is used to digitize the existing feather archive.
University of Gothenburg
One of the largest departments at the University of Gothenburg with about 300 employees is the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology. Their educational activities are of highest quality and cover the wide atomic and molecular scientific field. SilverFast is used to scan a large amount of virtually identical objects. It helps to reduce noise and to obtain good research results.
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is the largest art museum in the United States. It houses one of the most important art historical collections in the world. More than three million works are exhibited on more than 130.000 square meters. To digitize important artworks the Metropolitan Museum of Art relies on SilverFast 8.
Flowers Gallery
Angela Flowers first established her gallery in London's west end in 1970. Flowers relocated In the 1980s to a laundry/fur storage facility in Hackney, becoming one of the first to open in East London. Flowers currently has two London based galleries and one in New York representing both established and emerging artists. Flowers uses SilverFast to digitize slide archives to the best possible standard.
Bondgate Gallery
The Bondgate Gallery is a fine art gallery in the Durham area of North East England, which has been open since 2008. The gallery resident artist Eric Thompson currently runs three art classes. Bondgate offers its service to over 80 artists. Thompson uses SilverFast to scan every finished painting and he is really pleased with the brilliant colors and time-saving workflow.
National Portrait Gallery
Founded in 1856, the National Portrait Gallery, London, promotes the appreciation and understanding of British history and culture. The Gallery holds the most extensive collection of portraits in the world, with over 1000 portraits. Using SilverFast allows the Gallery to obtain high-quality images from glass plate and film negatives, in color and black and white.
University of Granada
The University of Granada is the 4th biggest University in Spain and it was founded in 1531. The Department of Analytical Chemistry works on using scanners, cameras and smartphones as analytical instruments for the determination of different material samples in environmental, health, food and toxicological analysis and monitoring. Since 2007 SilverFast is used for the treatment of scanned images.
The Rescued Film Project
The Rescued Film Project is an online archive gallery of images that were captured on film between the 1930's and late 1990's. Each image in this archive was rescued from found film from locations all over the world, which have been sent in in the form of undeveloped rolls of film. For scanning and image optimization SilverFast is included to the Post-Production workflow. Youtube Video
d:kult Düsseldorf
The Digital Art and Culture Archive of the state capital Düsseldorf (d:kult) documents and manages the collections in the Düsseldorf cultural institutions as well as in the foundations with the participation of the city for over 10 years now. For professionally digitizing flat originals, SilverFast is used at the majority of institutions associated with d:kult.
Klassik-Stiftung Weimar
With more than 20 museums, palaces, historic houses, parks as well as literary and art collections, the Klassik Stiftung Weimar is one of the largest and most significant cultural institutions in Germany. Among others, the accompanying Anna Amalia Library makes use of SilverFast for digitizing paintings and books, after a fire had destroyed a large part of the cultural heritage in 2004.
Ссылки производителей
Основанная в 1937 году штаб-квартира компании Canon находится в Токио, Япония. Эта, активно действующая по всему миру компания, специализированна на производстве оптических продуктов, например таких, как сканеры для настольных компьютеров. SilverFast уже поставляется в комплекте с некоторыми такими устройствами.
Японская технологическая компания Epson была основана в 1942 году и является сегодня одним из крупнейших производителей принтеров и аксессуаров для области обработки изображения. Epson уверена в SilverFast и поставляет программу вместе со многими сканерами.
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Компания была основана в 1850 году в Гейдельберге, Германия. Она производит оборудование для до-печатных, печатных и после-печатных рабочих процессов. Гейдельберг известен производством высококачественных профессиональных продуктов, такие как Linotype-Hell сканеры. Последние поддерживаются исключительно программой SilverFast на новых операционных системах Mac и Windows.
Основанная в 1939 году в Пало-Альто, Калифорния, компания Hewlett-Packard является одной из крупнейших ИТ-компаний в мире, и действует почти в каждой стране. Компания начала производить сканеры в середине 1980-ых.
Одна из трех компаний Leica, Leica Kamera AG, представлена в Германии с 1913 года. SilverFast была адаптирована для поддержки некоторых цифровых камер от Leica, таких как модели Digilux2 и S1 Alpha.
Microtek является тайваньским производителем продуктов для обработки изображения и других артиклей бытовой электроники. К ним относятся флагман линия компании - доступные сканеры, 30 из которых поддерживаются SilverFast.
Konica Minolta
Minolta, сегодня Konica Minolta, была основана в 1928 году в Осаке, Япония. В 2006 году компания прекратила производство камер и покинула фото-индустрию, передав обслуживание клиентов в этой области Sony.
С момента своего основания в 1917 году, Nikon стала всемирно известной маркой в индустрии оптики и обработки изображений. Компания представила свой первый сканер в 1988 году - продукт, производительность которого была повышена специально разработанным программным обеспечением SilverFast.
Pentacon являлся важным производителем камер в Дрездене, Германия с начала 20-го века . Сегодня, компания, именнуемая PENTACON GmbH, это инновационный игрок - разрабатывающий, производящий и поставляющий электронные компоненты для захвата изображений, таких как сканирующие камеры высокого разрешения.
В бизнесе с 1986 года, Plustek производит и поставляет высококачественные сканеры, которые многие годы поставляются вместе с программой SilverFast, а также другие продукты обработки изображения для потребителей по всему миру. Plustek быстро стал одним из крупнейших в мире поставщиков решений в области обработки изображений.
Pacific Image Electronics
The Taiwanese company of Pacific Image Electronics with its broad scanner product range is successfully established in the market since many years. Also in 2013, all actual scanner models are bundled with SilverFast software.
Quato Technology разрабатывает системы измерения и управления цветом. Фирма была основана в 1987 году в Брауншвейге, Германия и специализируется на производстве высококачественных мониторов и сканеров, поддерживаемых SilverFast.
Фирма была основана в 1967 году в Нюрнберге, и с тех пор разрабатывает высококачественные сканеры для фильмов и слайдов. SilverFast поддерживает широкий спектр сканеров Reflecta, в том числе DigitDia – первый в мире сканнер для журналов.
Samsung Group является одной из крупнейших корпоративных групп в мире. С 2005 года Samsung является самой популярной маркой товаров электроники. SilverFast поддерживает ряд моделей цифровых камер от Samsung.
Umax является тайваньским производителем электроприборов и компьютерных аксессуаров, таких как сканеры, компьютерные мыши, флэш-диски и MP3-плейеры. SilverFast поддерживает сканеры линии продуктов Asta и PowerLook.
Ссылки фотографов
Henry Grossman
Henry Grossman shot the Beatles extensively between 1963 and 1967. In addition to covering their initial appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show and the movie locations of "Help!", Henry enjoyed unprecedented access and was invited into their homes to shoot them informally with their friends and families. Many years later, Henry discovered SilverFast scanner software for creating brilliant scans from his precious photographies. With this digital high-quality SilverFast archive, his masterpieces are safe from loss and decay.
Vincent Versace
Vincent Versace is an internationally recognized pioneer in the art and science of digital photography. Today, based in Los Angeles, he divides his time between commercial and fine art photography assignments, teaching, and consulting for Nikon, Epson, NiK, OnOne, X-Rite, Adobe and others. Vincent is a longtime SilverFast user, counting on this software for digitizing his analog originals.
Michael Grecco
Michael Grecco is an award-winning and internationally renowned photographer of celebrity portraits, advertising and editorial commissions, private collections, and fine art. One of the most respected and sought after visual storytellers in the world, his artistic conceptual vision and signature dramatic lighting create incomparable distinctive images that are famously dramatic, evocative, sophisticated, ironic, and comedic. Known for his high-concept imagery, Grecco is also famed for his innate ability to connect with each subject.
Шелли Кац
Шелли Кац родился и вырoс в Нью-Йорке. Своё первое произведение он продал в 12-ти летнем возрасте. Его фотографии были опубликованы по всему миру и отмечены многочисленными наградами. Шелли выступал с лекциями по всему миру для любителей и профессиональных фотографов. Его работы использовались в престижных издательствах, таких как LIFE и TIME Magazin.
Дэвид Б. Брукс
Профессиональный фотограф и редактор журнала Shutterbug, Дэвид Б. Брукс ведёт колонку журнала 'Digital Help'. Кроме того, он автор многочисленных статей о калибрации цвета, скандировании и печати. Дэвид является экспертом в области работы с SilverFast, с 1999 года он публикует статьи о программе.
Марк Сегал
Марк Сегал - профессиональный фотограф, живущий и работающий в Торонто, Канада. Он автор статей (так же о SilverFast) для веб-сайта фотографов "The Luminous Landscape" и кроме того также предлагает частные уроки по цифровой обработке изображений.
Кен Шлез
Кен Шлез, интернационально признанный фотограф, родился в 1960 году в Бруклине, Нью-Йорк. Его произведения являются составной частью многих книг и сборников "Metropolitan Museum of Art" и "Art Institute of Chicago". Он является членом "New York State Foundation for the Arts" и получил многочисленные награды за свои работы.
Петр Селек
Родившийся в Праге, Петр Салек является выпускником "Film Academy of Creative Arts", специализирующимся на художественной фотографии. Он посвящает свое время работе в областях моды, коммерческой и экспериментальной фотографии. Его картины опубликованы в различных изданиях, таких как Computer Foto, Color Foto, Minolta Spiegel.
Эрик Влиетинк
Эрик Влиетинк известный автор и технический аналитик веб-страницы "IT-Enquirer", а так же автор информации для мультимедийных издательств. В качестве редактора специализированных журналов в Бельгии, Нидерландах и Великобритании, он накопил более 18 лет опыта в области анализа опубликованных документов.
Брюс Дейл
Брюс Дейл работал 30 лет исключительно для Национального Географического Журнала (National Geographic Magazine). В этот период времени он снимал фотографии в 75 странах и сделал более 2000 фотографий, которые появились в журнале. Брюс использует SilverFast уже несколько лет для скандирования своих фотографий. Особенно он ценит превосходную управляемость и качество вывода.
Беннетт Ричардс
Беннетт Ричардс имеет довольно долгую карьеру в качестве фотографа. Долгие годы он был научным фотографом астрофизики в университете Аризоны. Его работы опубликованы по всему миру в книгах, газетах и журналах. Впоследствии Ричардс работал в центре творческой фотографии в Тусоне. Художественной фотографии он остался верен и по сей день.
Элиот Лэнди
Элиот Лэнди фотографировал антивоенное движение - против войны во Вьетнаме, а так же культуру подпольной музыки Нью-Йорка. На протяжении долгих лет он фотографировал многих суперзвёзд подпольного рок-н-ролла. Элиот Лэнди был официальным фотографом фестиваля Вудсток в 1969 году. Он опубликовал несколько книг со своими фотографиями, для оцифровки которых использовал SilverFast.
Sascha Rheker
Rheker Sascha, born in 1973 has studied political science. Since 2001 he has been working as a freelance photo journalist for German newspapers and magazines. Since the beginning of his career Rheker is relying on SilverFast for digitizing its photographs. After he has turned his back to analog photography for a some time, Rheker is photographing both analog and digital since 2004.
Thomas Karsten
1958 in Eisenach geboren, lebt Thomas Karsten seit 1982 in der Nähe von München und arbeitete in den letzten Jahren für Zeitschriften und Magazine wie Stern, Art, Eltern, Capital und Nerve (New York). International bekannt geworden ist Thomas Karsten durch seine Fotobände, mit denen er der meist-veröffentlichte Aktfotograf Deutschlands ist. Seit über 10 Jahren scannt er eine Vielzahl seiner Bilder mit SilverFast.
Marcus Schwier
Marcus Schwier, 1964 in Düsseldorf geboren, hat zunächst Architektur studiert, schloss 1993 aber ein Studium mit dem Schwerpunkt Fotografie an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf an. Schwiers Bilder waren in zahlreichen Einzelausstellungen zu sehen; unter anderem wurde ihm der Internationale Photographie-Preis der DG-Bank verliehen. Schwier ist heute als freiberuflicher Fotograf hauptsächlich auf dem Gebiet der Landschafts- und Architektur-Fotografie tätig.
Claudius Schulze
Claudius Schulze has been living and working in more than 40 different countries. As a documentary photographer, he tries to photograph not only the obvious, but also the world beneath the surface. For artistic photo projects in 8x10" large format Schulze uses SilverFast Ai Studio 8 in combination with an Epson V750. Schulze has studied Political Science in Hamburg as well as documentary photography and photojournalism in London.
Marc Wijngaarde
Marc Ilford Wijngaarde, born in Germany and grewn up in the Netherlands, is specially recognised for his portrait work. But he has also won the National EISA Maestro photo contest in 2010 with a series of B&W Holga long exposure night landscapes. What really stands out for him regarding SilverFast is its dust removal capability. In 2012 he formally started his portrait business "Marc Ilford Fotografie".
Marcel Chassot
Marcel Chassot, born 1947 in Zurich, has a doctorate in economy science. He is a self-educated photographer, whose macro shots made him known beyond the borders of Switzerland. After portraying children and photographing ballet scenes, he today focuses on architectural and industrial photography as well as on capturing images of street life in Zurich. For digitizing the images for his new book "abstract - geometricize - aestheticise", SilverFast was used.
Marrigje de Maar
Marrigje de Maar is a well known interior photographer, working analog and with available light only. She has won the Lucy Award in 2004. She is best known for her pictures of interiors in the far hidden Chinese countryside, which have been published in the book "Red Roses Yellow Rain". Since 2012 Marrigje de Maar uses a wooden pinhole camera with a color neg. film. SilverFast is her tool for selecting the ultimate neg’s for printing.
Pablo Wünsch Blanco
Born in Santander in 1970, Pablo Wünsch Blanco is a versatile Spanish photographer who currently lives in Basel, Switzerland. Advertising companies and magazines are asking for his works since 10 years. Pablo appreciates SilverFast‘s flexibility and accuracy and therefore uses it for scanning all the negatives for his personal projects. In 2009 he has won the HM International Photo Award for his fine art portrait photography.
Terrance Lam
Mr. Lam is a Canadian photographer and designer with a long career in creative arts since 1988 spanning across the music industry, television and international magazines. He also leads applied arts education at the Pacific Design Academy, appears at guest workshops and writes online reviews. SilverFast has become an important and powerful tool in his film to digital workflow for his fine arts application.
Frank Doorhof
Born 1971 in Amsterdam, Frank Doorhof is a photographer specialized on fashion photography. He loves to capture a model's real character instead of just creating a "pretty" image. While Doorhof still conducts magazine and advertising shoots, his main focus is teaching workshops throughout the world. Doorhof is the author of "A Guide to Model Photography". When it comes to scanning, Doorhof completely relies on SilverFast scanner software.
Richard Heddington
Born 1964 in Bristol, Richard Heddington has spent much of his life as photographer and image artist. Originally specialized in black and white fine art printing he moved out of the darkroom in the 1980s. While Heddington's daily work now is almost entirely digital, his personal projects still retain elements of film, which he has always scanned exclusively with SilverFast.
Robert Mullan
Based in Ireland, Robert Mullan, Commercial Photographer of The Year 2003, loves to capture dramatic, often dreamlike aspects of urban architecture. His talent is to shoot unique interpretations of some of the world’s most recognizable cityscapes. He still uses film for some of his projects, so scanning with SilverFast is an established part of his workflow.
Knut Stritzke
Born in 1975 in Halle/ Saale, Knut Stritzke currently lives and works as a successful photographer in Berlin. Many renowned German companies, like BMW or Saturn, are using his works, which are also presented in several exhibitions, museums and galleries. Stritzke defines his inspiration for photography as identifying the day to day things in an innovative way by discovering different aspect of the objects. For his large-format presentations, Stritzke digitizes the analog recording material using SilverFast.
Jonas Roosens
As a professional portrait, press and corporate photographer, Jonas (Antwerp, 1982) has travelled to most continents to shoot for a variety of customers. A great passion for surfing and people can be found throughout his work. While his day-to-day work for Belga News Agency, newspapers and magazines is all done on DSLR, part of his personal portraiture and reportage is still shot analog. For digitizing this analog material Jonas uses SilverFast scanner software.
George DeWolfe
George DeWolfe has been a photographer since 1964 and holds an MFA in Photography from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He studied with Ansel Adams and Minor White in the 1970s. He has shown forty one-man and numerous group exhibitions and is in several permanent collections. George’s passions are teaching visual and digital photography skills and photographing the mysteries of the world. He uses SilverFast 8 for digitizing his photographic masterpieces.
Тимоти Грэй
Уроженец Чикаго, фотограф Тимоти Грей, специализировался в области фотографии пейзажа. Произведения сознательного эколога и фотографа были уже напечатаны в многочисленных журналах, в местных газетах, а также использованы для веб-проектов.
Винсент Оливер
Винсент Оливер, автор веб-страницы photo-i, посвященной цифровой фотографии. Он написал многочисленные статьи о сканерах и о приложениях, включая SilverFast от LaserSoft Imaging.
Джон Барклай
Награждённый многими призами, Джон Барклай (John Barclay) - свободный фотограф из Пенсильвании, США. Вдохновлённый оратор, он выступал со свой программой 'Мечты - Вера – Создание' перед публикой по всем США. За выдающиеся достижения, он недавно был удостоен награды журнала B&W.
Barry Brukoff
Barry began his Fine Art Photographer career while traveling in his early 20s. A trip to Cambodia started his lifelong fascination for ancient ruins of various cultures, which has led to eight books thus far. After studying at the Chicago Art Institute, he pursued parallel careers in design and photography. Around the year 2000 he began his shift to the digital darkroom: "As I have thousands of 35mm transparencies in very good condition, the use of SilverFast Technology for scanning them and bringing them up to today's standards has made my life much simpler."
Gian Paolo Daldello
Daldello is an Italien professional photographeer and fine art printer. Daldello: « As a Fine Art Printer working between Milan and Lecco I decided to extend my offer adding a professional film scanning service from 35mm to medium format. SilverFast was my best partner in setting up the project. The Multi-Exposure, the HDRi RAW function, NegaFix and the IT8 target calibration were the most powerful reasons. »
LandSpeed Louise
Louise Ann Noeth is an award-winning writer and photographer, who's works have been published around the world in several languages. She calls herself a storyteller known for taking complicated subjects and making them entertaining while they educate. Founding LandSpeed Productions in 1984, the firm offers Creative Writing, Photography, Public Speaking, Public Relations, Film & TV Consulting, Stock Library, Fine Art and Graphic Design.
Vineet Suthan
Vineet Suthan is a portrait and fashion photographer based in Dubai & Oman. His work appears in numerous publications and has won several international awards. His commercial work includes food, beauty, fashion and product photography. Vineet is always working on new ways to share his passion and knowledge with others, and he hosts photography workshops on a regular basis all over the world. For digital imaging, Vineet is a big fan of LaserSoft Imaging software products.
Sven Lambin
Sven Lambin is Belgian professional photographer based in Antwerp. He also teaches photography and gives international workshops. As a photographer he tries to define the chaotic world around him and to discover the relationship between things, the interaction with a person, subject or the space in between. His Romanian project is ongoing. Lambin is specialized in large format photography and he uses SilverFast to obtain maximum results from his negatives, perfect for alternative processes.
Sebastian Schlüter
Sebastian Schlüter describes himself as a passionate photography enthusiast, who has acquired his skills as an autodidact. His specialty is the night or "low light" photography. The secret for scanning negatives, which have been taken under difficult shooting conditions, is SilverFast's NegaFix tool. The versatile adjustment options in the software unfold the creative freedom, Sebastian needs for his work.
Giulia Bianchi
Giulia Bianchi is an Italian photographer working on spirituality and feminism. Her work has been featured by National Geographic, The Guardian, L'Espresso, PDN, American Photo Magazine, Huffington Post, other magazines and books, and has been internationally exhibited. She teaches and consults internationally for photo book publishers and other photography businesses. She's scanning her 4x5" negatives using SilverFast Ai Studio and an Epson V800.
Jonathan Notley
Jonathan Notley is a British Portrait and Landscape photographer living and working in London. Whilst best known commercially as a portrait photographer Jonathan also has a passion for analog processes. On frequent trips he uses medium and large-format film to photograph the coasts and waterways of his native United Kingdom. Jonathan relies on digitizing his negatives using SilverFast scanner software to get the best out of digital printing options.
Karsten Kettermann
Karsten Kettermann studied people photography at the university of applied science of Dortmund. During his studies, he wrote his first book on Photoshop 5.5, in which he already recommended SilverFast as the perfect scanning software; until today he has published further 8 books on photography and image editing. For digitizing his negatives, Kettermann "would never even think of using anything other than SilverFast!" He particularly appreciates that all settings are made before scanning and thus a lot of image processing work can be omitted.
Guido Rottmann
Guido Rottmann's trademark is his intense portrait photography. After years of working almost exclusively digital, he now returns to his roots and shots more and more film. In order to bring the analog style into the digital world, he now uses SilverFast scanner software which he had already favored as number one a good ten years before. "When scanning, I want to get the appearance of my original film material, as good and as genuine as possible on screen and paper."
Robin Whalley
Robin Whalley is a British Landscape Photographer and author of over 20 photography books. He specializes in helping photographers learn photo editing, regularly publishing tutorials on his website and YouTube channel. Although using digital for his commercial work, he still loves and uses film, shooting with both 35mm and Medium Format. SilverFast 8 is his preferred scanning software because it’s fast, easy to use and captures superb color and detail.
Michael Klinkhamer
Michael Klinkhamer is a professional photographer from the Netherlands who has lived in Cambodia for 10 years. Michael has guided many photo tours and workshops in Southeast Asia. In 1988 Klinkhamer set off for traveling through India. He took some amazing pictures with his special Widelux panorama camera, loaded with Kodak Gold 35mm film. Michael has now returned to the Netherlands, dusted off his film scanner, and discovered SilverFast scanner software to digitize his photographic work.
Matt Munson
Matt Munson is an American photographer living and working in New York City. He is roaming the streets with his medium format or 35mm camera shooting street photography, or shooting fashion for various modeling agencies. For his first book, a collection of street-portraits shot during the pandemic, he is thrilled to be scanning with SilverFast Scanner Software to maximize the quality of each image. This will allow Matt the freedom to print images on a large-scale basis and to make the best quality photo book possible.
Julien Guinand
Julien Guinand is an artist photographer. He studied literature, music and visual arts and is a graduate of the École nationale supérieure de la photographie d'Arles. He produces documentary and experimental photography, mostly on the territory, in places where a social and environmental history is played out. He is also the co-founder of the Bloo photography school, which he has been directing since 2009. He has been teaching at the École nationale supérieure des beaux arts de Lyon in France since 2005. He is represented by the Françoise Besson gallery. Julien Guinand uses the SilverFast scanning software to digitize his images.
Daisuke Fujimura
Fujimura is a Japanese photographer who has covered more than 500 cities around the world. He is famous for his night views, which are exhibited in the Sakaide City Museum. Fujimura is an ambassador for major camera manufacturers such as Nikon and Fuji an he teaches at the Nihon University College of Art. He is a full member of the "Japan Professional Photographers Society" (JPS) and Vice President of the "Japan Travel Photographers Association" (JTPA). Fujimura relies on SilverFast, which he uses for scanning his photographies and for removing dust with unprecedented accuracy.
Kazuyuki Okajima
Okajima is a Japanese photographer who graduated from the Tokyo School of Photography (TOKYO VISUAL ARTS). After working as a photographer's assistant, Okajima became a freelance photographer for magazines and the advertising industry. Japan's hot and humid climate leads to a lot of almost invisible mold on film which gets clearly visible, when converting the film to digital images. Okajima recommends SilverFast for film digitization. He really likes SilverFast's features for removing mold and other defects automatically.
Tetsuro Shimizu
The Japanese photographer Tetsuro Shimizu was born in 1975. After working as an assistant for Toshinobu Takeuchi for three years, Shimizu became independent as a freelancer. He has been covering Mongolia since 1997, shooting a wide range of subjects from natural landscapes to snapshots from his own perspective. For Shimizu, one of SilverFast's great benefits is to scan into RAW format and to process it later. This makes the scanning process enjoyable and easy for him. Shimizu likes to scan his early works, which he has on positive and negative film, to bring back memories of the time when they were taken.
Daisuke Kumakiri
Professional photographer Daisuke Kumakiri originated in Shinjuku, Tokyo. He studied artistic photography at the Tokyo Polytechnic University. Afterwards, he worked for the photography department of Nikkan Gendai Co on topics like politics, lawsuits and professional baseball. Later, Kumakiri became freelancer and director of the Japan Professional Photographers Society. Scanning his works has always been a cumbersome and annoying process to Kumakiri until he discovered SilverFast. Many of his photographs, that he almost gave up due to fading and dust, could be rescued with the help of SilverFast's powerful features.
Yoichi Yoshinaga
Yoichi Yoshinaga was born and raised in Tokyo. Already as a child he had a great interest in railways and airplanes and he began to photograph them. Yoshinaga graduated from the Osaka University of Arts with a degree in photography. Today he works as a freelance photographer for a company in the field of aerial photography. Since 2011, Yoshinaga has presented his aerial photographs in books and photo exhibitions. At first it was very difficult for Yoshinaga to scan his images in a sufficiently good quality. Since he has been using SilverFast for this purpose, he has been very satisfied with the scans. He particularly emphasizes the dust and scratch removal as a very helpful feature.
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