
"...Mi sorprendo ogni volta nel vedere quanto sia facile ottenere delle scansioni che siano identiche alle mie diapositive!"

Kodak PhotoCD

SilverFast HDR legge il formato Kodak PhotoCD
SilverFast DC VLT

SilverFast screenshot

La Tavola Luminosa Virtuale è uno strumento essenziale per i fotografi che debbano organizzare, gestire e rivedere rapidamente le immagini. Come in una vera camera oscura, si possono archiviare le immagini, dotarle di commenti, creare album e provini a contatto, stampare immagini ad alta risoluzione in varie dimensioni.

The user also benefits from the Graphical User Interface (GUI) which is adjustable either individually or via presets as well as from the color temperature regulation, the exposure adjustment and the Red-Eye-Correction. Numerous online QuickTime Movies can be started as a guide tutorial about SilverFast DC VLT.

SilverFast DC VLT is great for ambitious hobby photographers and allows them to directly modify the original data captured - among standards such as JPEG and TIFF - producing images with superior high quality, white balance and maximum detail. RAW images are often referred to as "Digital Negatives" by photographers due to the maximum dynamic range they contain. Accessing the RAW image before conversion into formats like JPEG and TIFF allows users to adjust the color balance, saturation, smoothness and sharpness instead of using the camera's automatic settings.

A complete list of supported camera models and proprietary RAW formats is available here.
SilverFast DCVLT Navigator
SilverFast DC VLT Navigator

SilverFast DC VLT Albums
SilverFast DC VLT Albums

SilverFast DC VLT features:
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