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Support Tool Contact

In case your SilverFast application does not start anymore please download the following tool to contact us. This has the advantage, that it will provide us with your SilverFast support files.

Support Tool for OS X / macOS

Please double-click the DMG to mount it. Execute the included SilverFast Support Tool.

Support Tool for Windows

Please double-click the ZIP archive and extract its content. Start the SilverFast Support Tool.
Ассистент-поддержки (FAQ)
How to serialize SilverFast with a SilverFast CDROM

On launching, SilverFast presents a windows asking for "first name", "last name", and a "serial number".

SilverFast isn't yet activated. You need to enter the serial number while having the SilverFast CDROM in your computer's optical drive in order to be able to activate it.

Be sure to have administrative rights on the system for serialization purposes.

Please put now your original SilverFast CD-ROM in your optical drive before starting up SilverFast.
Wait until your computer has recognized the CD, then start up SilverFast.

The serialization dialogue should appear. Please enter something into the first name and the last name field, as well as the SilverFast serial number.
The serial number is a 30-digit-combination of numbers (1-9) and letters (A-Z, no O's) in six quintets interleaved with dashes ("-").

If SilverFast doesn't accept the serial number, it will highlight the serial field and beep a sound.
If it does accept the number, it will access the CD to check if it is an original SilverFast CD.

If the CD is damaged or no original SilverFast CD, it will ask you to insert the SilverFast CDROM, although it already is inserted in your computer's optical drive.

Another problem could be that SilverFast doesn't not accept the serial number as valid.

In both cases, you need to contact our support staff. Please select the "My problem is still not solved" link below.

My problem is now solved. My problem is still not solved.
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