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Support Tool Contact

In case your SilverFast application does not start anymore please download the following tool to contact us. This has the advantage, that it will provide us with your SilverFast support files.

Support Tool for OS X / macOS

Please double-click the DMG to mount it. Execute the included SilverFast Support Tool.

Support Tool for Windows

Please double-click the ZIP archive and extract its content. Start the SilverFast Support Tool.


Support Assistant (FAQ)
Deleting the SilverFast Preference-Files through the Service-Dialog

This steps solves a lot of potential Difficulties. So it should be the first thing you try.
Some of these can be:
  • SilverFast previously worked, but suddenly does not start anymore.
  • SilverFast behaves in an unexpected way.
  • SilverFast seems to ignore changes you made.

I would like to return SilverFast to the state where it still functioned.

The easiest way to do so is using the Service-Dialog.
1. You open the Service-Dialog using the button which appears to the right of the affected SilverFast version.

2. Select Delete preference files to reset SilverFast to factory defaults.
Please note, that this will delete all settings and saved frames!
In case you would like to save your preference-files you will have to do so on folder level.

My problem is now solved. My problem is still not solved.