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In case your SilverFast application does not start anymore please download the following tool to contact us. This has the advantage, that it will provide us with your SilverFast support files.

Support Tool for OS X / macOS

Please double-click the DMG to mount it. Execute the included SilverFast Support Tool.

Support Tool for Windows

Please double-click the ZIP archive and extract its content. Start the SilverFast Support Tool.
Support Assistant (FAQ)
SilverFast doesn't really work, but instead freezes without even displaying an error message.

Either on launching SilverFast or after the program is started when clicking "Prescan" or "Scan", SilverFast seems unable to communicate with the scanner and freezes without given an error message.

If SilverFast actually starts scanning, but then freezes after having scanned a certain amount of the image already, the problem is likely to be caused differently and needs to be examined by our support staff.

If SilverFast seems dysfunctional, this can happen for different reasons:

  1. scanner is in an undefined state after a crash
  2. SilverFast preferences are corrupted after a crash
  3. drivers conflict
  4. actually, SilverFast is still functional, it just is running a movie in the background

Depending on the reasons given above, please try:

    • Mac: Force-quit SilverFast
    • Win: End SilverFast via task-manager
    • Power off the scanner and on again after a short time
    • Restart SilverFast, after the scanner is fully initialised and ready for scanning
  1. Essentially as before, but please delete the SilverFast preferences files before restarting SilverFast
  2. Please follow the instructions in another FAQ article
    • When starting up with fresh settings (e.g. first time launch, launch after prefs have been deleted), SilverFast opens a movie that informs the user above SilverFast's movie help
    • If the user did already click somewhere on the interface before this introductory movie is shown, SilverFast opens the movie in a window behind the SilverFast user interface
    • This can lead to the impression that SilverFast is no longer reacting
    • Check if you can see a quicktime movie window between the scan control and the preview window and click on it to get it to the foreground
    • Close this movie window and you can proceed to work with SilverFast

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