17. December 2008

SilverFast Newsletter December 2008 - Kodachrome Target
icon_kodachrometarget_01 Original Kodachrome IT8 calibration targets now manufactured by LaserSoft Imaging for perfect preparation of Kodachrome scans. (read more ...)
icon_lsi_weihnachten Happy Holidays! (read more ...)
2. December 2008
Newsletter December 2008 - Canon 16. October 2008

SilverFast Newsletter October 2008
icon_SF-Archive New SilverFast Archive Suite offers optimized Image Archiving and Processing.
Our brand new SilverFast Archive Suite offers a perfect archiving solution for your reflective and transparent originals (watch movie... / read more ...)
icon_kodachrome How to get Brilliant Pictures from your Kodachromes!
Save them and create scans – better than the original! (watch movie... / read more ...)
icon_IT8 Update to Highest Precision and Quality IT8-Calibration Targets now!
Take advantage of preferential prices for our premium IT8 targets (for a limited time only). (watch movie... / read more ...)
19. September 2008

Agostino Maiello (photographer) has written a review about SilverFast printer calibration for the Italian photo magazine NADIR:

"Thanks to both Scanner and Printer Calibration options, LSI SilverFast Ai/Ai Studio software gives its users the opportunity - at a very competitive price - to create color profiles for their devices, and thus improve the color consistency of the workflow."

Read the whole review here... 15. September 2008


Innovation- and trendforum, global platform for business and communication of the whole imaging sector – that’s Photokina!

LaserSoft Imaging® will be part of Photokina 2008. Get more information here. 15. September 2008


Acknowledged in Great Britain also - software quality „Made in Germany“

At the end of August we proudly received an excellent test result by highly renowned MacUser magazine (UK). Its latest issue acknowledged the exceptional quality and notable functionality of SilverFast‘s Ai Studio 6.6.

Especially highlighted by the magazine was the very comprehensive and convenient processing of slides, negatives and reflective originals.
Highlights tested:
  • Auto IT8 calibration
  • Auto frame alignment
  • Multi-Exposure
Read the original text here.
21. August 2008

Batch-Scanning - now available with SilverFast SE!

As of the 13th of August 2008 you can download a new release of our entry-level scanner software SilverFast SE.

Newly added amongst other features is the possibility to scan in batch-mode. Once again we provide our customers with professional tools in the basic SE version.

SilverFast SE is especially designed for entry-level users (read more here).

13. August 2008
Important improvements to High-End scanner 28. July 2008
New Nikon Installer online - 6.6.0r2 25. June 2008

SilverFast Newsletter June 2008

icon_nikon Nikon Film Scanners now 100% Leopard compatible - from SilverFast version 6.6 on
(read more ...)
6. June 2008


LaserSoft Imaging's SilverFast has won the prize BEST COLOR MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE OF THE YEAR 2008, awarded by the European Digital Press Association (EDP).

EDP: "The award is given for improving the dynamic range of most scanners thanks to its Multi-Exposure® feature and for creating ICC profiles automatically." KHZ_EDP_Awards_0608

The EDP Association is made up by publishers of leading European magazines devoted to digital printing and associated products. These publications cover 15 European countries with a combined circulation of approximately 120.000 copies with a readership exceeding 240.000 graphic arts professionals.

"If you want to know what the best digital product of the year is, make sure it bears the EDP awards logo. Every year the publishers of the leading magazines of the European digital graphic press award prizes to the best products."

5. June 2008

Conflict with Photoshop CS3 and SilverFast in combination with
NIK Softwares Color Efex Pro.

Dear Customers,

we discovered a conflict with Photoshop CS3 and SilverFast in combination with NIK Softwares Color Efex Pro.
This problem will result in crashing SilverFast and Photoshop after the endscan. We have investigated this behavior and we are working on a solution together with NIK. For the moment we can give you a workaround for this problem.
You would need to remove the NIK Color Efex Pro folder form your Photoshop CS3 Plugin directory. Just copy it somewhere else. Now you need to create an alias of the .plugin file and drag it back to the Photoshop CS3 plugin folder. Now everything should work again, we will keep you updated about the progress of this issue.

Thank You 20. May 2008

SilverFast Newsletter May 2008

icon_oc SilverFast now with ICC Printer Calibration with Profiler for an effective and low-cost color calibration system
(read more ...)
icon_nikon Nikon Film Scanners now 100% Leopard compatible - from SilverFast version 6.6 on
(read more ...)
icon_negafix Comfortable editing of curves in NegaFix® - build your Custom Curves easily and with more flexibility
(read more ...)
icon_me Successful market introduction of SF Multi-Exposure® - due to unprecedented quality gain by great Dynamic Range increase
(read more ...)
15. May 2008

ANNOUNCEMENT: SilverFast Printer Calibration with Profiler will be available here very soon. Plese check back and subscribe to our newsletter and we will inform you personally upon release. Thanks for your interest in SilverFast. 25. April 2008

Highest Quality of LaserSoft Imaging's IT8-Targets testified

IT8 Targets on the test stand

Logo_IE Image Engineering, the independent German lab for testing of imaging devices ( has taken LaserSoft Imaging's IT8-Targets through their painstaking precision-test procedure.
Several IT8-Targets were taken from various production batches. They were all one by one measured and compared.

The results were quite impressive: Color value deviation was between an average Delta E0.54 and 0.72, which is far below the perception threshold.

"It can be stated that all IT8-Targets from LaserSoft Imaging have excellent quality. They are perfectly suited for scanner calibration and fullfil highest quality requirements".

Kiel, April 2008 18. March 2008

vincent-oliver We are happy to announce the first new SilverFast Quicktime tutorial by Vincent Oliver, author of photo-i, who publishes scanner and software tests. He knows about imaging and and has an eye on user's most common difficulties in scanning and editing images. watch_video_en