22. Diciembre 2006

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our customers and visitors! 6. Diciembre 2006

SilverFast Newsletter December 2006
New SilverFast 6.5 released! 7. Noviembre 2006

Visit LaserSoft Imaging at Fotomaessan 2006

Jan-Willem Rossee and Sascha Bruhn are demonstrating our Scan-Software: SilverFast Ai / Ai STUDIO with IT8 Calibration and our software for digital cameras: SilverFast DCPro / STUDIO / SilverFast PhotoProof, as well as our solution for printer: SilverFast PrinTao.

Nacka Strand, Stockholm
10 - 12 November
BOOTH G6, Factory
1. Noviembre 2006

In celebration of our 20th anniversary we are offering a special 20% discount off selected SilverFast products. 25. Septiembre 2006

LaserSoft Imaging relaunched its website with a new design. 15. Septiembre 2006

Our Newsletter-Promotion is now extended until October 1st. 23. Agosto 2006

SilverFast Newsletter August 2006 (2)
Cross-Xtra-Upgrade for all users of SilverFast SE and SilverFast Ai to SilverFast DC 3. Agosto 2006

SilverFast Newsletter August 2006
Enhanced Multi-Sampling; NegaFix Pro 18. Julio 2006

Fuji 35mm calibration-targets are available again. 6. Julio 2006

SilverFast Newsletter July 2006
PrinTao as Stand-Alone, enhanced descreening, support for Intel Macs: SilverFast and Photohop - the perfect match! 3. Julio 2006

Heidelberg NexScan on Macintosh and Windows is supported now! 3. Julio 2006

Leafscan 35 is supported!
Now: SilverFast Ai Leafscan 35 for 149 $! 8. Junio 2006

We reduced our software prices for the Leafscan 45!
Now: SilverFast Ai IT8 for $218! 1. Junio 2006

Visit LaserSoft Imaging at MacExpo

Messegelände Köln (Germany)
in cooperation with Epson, HP and Canon
8.06. - 11.06.2006
31. Marzo 2006

SilverFast has already been tested successfully with many popular scanners on Intel Macs running in the Rosetta-emulation. Universal binaries will be available soon (Read more...) 23. Enero 2006

SilverFast Ai STUDIO reaches 3rd on the OS-X TOP 150 download list on Versiontracker showing how very popular our SilverFast STUDIO has become in just a few months. As of today almost 100,000 downloads!