Mám ve svém obrazovém archivu víc než milión diapozitivů Kodachrome. Proces digitalizace těchto snímků mi objasnil, že nejnákladnějším faktorem je čas, potřebný k odstraňování prachu a škrábanců. Díky bohu existuje software SilverFast. Funkce na odstraňování prachu a škrábanců v tomto softwaru přináší enormní úsporu času. Jestli doporučuji software SilverFast? Na to si můžete vsadit.
The Single Archive Command is a supplement to our SilverFast scanner software, which makes scanning as easy as never before. With just a few mouse clicks, you can start scanning. SAC comes with presets which make typical scanning scenarios particularly easy. The presets follow the most important basic rules of image processing and thus make an enormous contribution to high-quality scans.
Thanks to this presets, the digitization process requires no knowledge of image processing and no complicated configuration of the software. This means that virtually anyone can digitize without making mistakes.
Image processing is then performed at a later point when the user has grown comfortable with image processing. As a user, you don‘t have to wait for a scan to be completed to working on the digital data which is much more efficient. This process is supported by the JobManager, which is specially designed for batch image processing.