Further Information

SilverFast Multi-Sampling
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Multi-Sampling eliminates image noise reliably
Image noise does occur quite often during the scanning process, especially in the darker areas of images. The CCD sensors are taking a very small amount of light here. Therefore the difference between the signal and influences such as dark current, production inaccuracies and noise of the output amplifier is very small. This leads to "strayed pixels", which are denoted as image noise. SilverFast Multi-Sampling is able to eliminate this image noise by taking advantage of the strayed pixels' random occurrence. Thus, they are never at the exact same spot when scanning the same original several subsequent times. Multi-Sampling takes up to 16 single scans of an original and therefrom calculates a final result, which is devoid of noise, and otherwise unaltered.

SilverFast Multi-Sampling works even with those scanners for which their manufacturers haven't intended such a feature in the hardware!

SilverFast Multisampling

SilverFast Multisampling - vorher SilverFast Multisampling - nachher
Details from the upper example image: with noise on the left and without on the right.
SilverFast Multi-Sampling was applied to the right image only.

Further details on Multi-Sampling
  • multisampling_scanner4x, 8x or 16x scanning every single picture.
  • With Multi-Sampling image noise is a thing of the past.
  • Multi-Sampling also increases your scanner's dynamic range. Read more ...
  • Multi-Sampling is compatible with JPEG 2000.
  • An explanation of how to use Multi-Sampling you can find here.
Note: Multi-Sampling is available in every SilverFast SE Plus, SilverFast Ai and SilverFast Ai Studio version 6.6.1r1b or later.
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