Mám ve svém obrazovém archivu víc než milión diapozitivů Kodachrome. Proces digitalizace těchto snímků mi objasnil, že nejnákladnějším faktorem je čas, potřebný k odstraňování prachu a škrábanců. Díky bohu existuje software SilverFast. Funkce na odstraňování prachu a škrábanců v tomto softwaru přináší enormní úsporu času. Jestli doporučuji software SilverFast? Na to si můžete vsadit.
Anyone working with Kodachrome scans without adjusting the scanner to the special film properly knows the problem of the unsightly bluecast. Some scanner manufacturer’s software may have a Kodachrome mode for selection, which usually isn’t very helpful because a device specific calibration is lacking. Therefore we have implemented generic Kodachrome ICC-profiles for many supported film scanners in SilverFast. These provide the user with a very good starting point.
Kodachromes with maximum Dynamic Range
Scanning Kodachromes with attention to recording the complete Dynamic Range is a considerable challenge. This, because the Dynamic Range reaches up to 3.8D – which is a grayscale range of 6300 shades and equals a contrast range of 1:6300! Fortunately SilverFast Multi-Exposure can handle the enormous Dynamic Range with film scanners. This guarantees reproduction of the deepest shades inside Kodachromes successfully.