• SilverFast - Quality Scanner and Digital Imaging Software made in Germany since 1986
Incredible Speed Gain for Flatbed Scanners

SilverFast ExpressScan

The intelligent new scanning method

Scan many times faster and save valuable time - with the patented SilverFast ExpressScan feature ('Method for scanning originals', Patent No.: US 11,558,529 B2, EP 4109866, HK 40079832). If several images are next to each other in the scanning direction, the number of scanning passes can be reduced.

SilverFast ExpressScan (3 images at once)

No ExpressScan (all images one after the other)

The patented ExpressScan is included with our SilverFast Archive Suite from version 9.1 and it is automatically activated if the position of the scan frames allows it. Adjacent images can be scanned in one pass instead of one at a time. This saves a lot of time and also spares the hardware. This new procedure reduces the number of scan passes to a minimum. The more images can be placed side by side, the greater the effect. For many flatbed scanners, time savings of 50% to 75% can be achieved.

The ExpressScan functionality is not only ideally suited for museums and image archives of all kinds, which have to be particularly careful with their sometimes very old and therefore very sensitive image treasures. All other users who want to protect their scanner and film originals will also benefit. The ExpressScan feature significantly reduces the number of mechanical processes in the scanner and the amount of light the image material is exposed to.

When the ExpressScan functionality is active, the ExpressScan stopwatch icon appears in the scanner status dialog.

ExpressScan Video I

Watch our Video to learn more about SilverFast's unique ExpressScan

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Using the ExpressScan

You can use the ExpressScan functionality for all images that you can place side by side on the flatbed in scanning direction, regardless of whether you are using a film holder or not. The SilverFast ExpressScan is activated automatically if the position of your scan frames allows it. Speed up your scans with our ExpressScan boost for:

  • Photos

  • Slides

  • Negatives

  • Film strips

  • Negative strips

In order to use the full speed advantage of the ExpressScan functionality, a special setup is required:

  • Flatbed scanner

  • SilverFast Archive Suite, version 9.1 or later

  • Manual scanning mode (WorkflowPilot deactivated)

  • Scan frame positioning: at least 2 frames that are positioned at the exact same height regarding scanning direction

  • Same scanning resolution for all scan frames

ExpressScan Video II

Watch our Video to learn more about SilverFast's unique ExpressScan

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Which SilverFast version?

The SilverFast ExpressScan feature is included in our PREMIUM software edition SilverFast Archive Suite.

Which scanners are supported?

The SilverFast ExpressScan feature is supported by the following scanners:

  • CanoScan 4400F
  • CanoScan 5600F
  • CanoScan 8600F
  • CanoScan 8800F
  • CanoScan 9000F
  • CanoScan 9000F Mark II
  • DS-G20000
  • ES-10000G
  • ES-11000G
  • ES-2200
  • ES-8500
  • Expression 10000XL
  • Expression 11000XL
  • Expression 12000XL
  • Expression 13000XL
  • Expression 1640XL
  • Expression 1680 / 1680 Pro
  • GT-20000
  • GT-7600
  • GT-9300UF
  • GT-9800F
  • GT-F500
  • GT-F600
  • GT-F650
  • GT-F670
  • GT-F700
  • GT-F720
  • GT-F730
  • GT-F740
  • GT-S600
  • GT-S620
  • GT-S630
  • GT-S640
  • GT-S650
  • GT-X700
  • GT-X750
  • GT-X770
  • GT-X800
  • GT-X820
  • GT-X830
  • GT-X900
  • GT-X970
  • GT-X980
  • Perfection 1200
  • Perfection 2400 / 2400 Photo
  • Perfection 2480 Photo
  • Perfection 3200 Photo/Pro
  • Perfection 4180 Photo
  • Perfection 4490 Photo
  • Perfection 4870 Photo
  • Perfection 4990 Photo
  • Perfection V10
  • Perfection V100 Photo
  • Perfection V200 Photo
  • Perfection V30
  • Perfection V300 Photo
  • Perfection V33
  • Perfection V330 Photo
  • Perfection V350 Photo
  • Perfection V37
  • Perfection V370 Photo
  • Perfection V39
  • Perfection V39 II
  • Perfection V500 Photo
  • Perfection V550 Photo
  • Perfection V600 Photo
  • Perfection V700 Photo
  • Perfection V750 Pro
  • Perfection V800 Photo
  • Perfection V850 Pro
  • WorkForce DS-50000
  • WorkForce DS-70000
  • WorkForce Pro WF-5110 DWF [INTERNAL!]
  • WorkForce Pro WF-5620 DWF [INTERNAL!]
  • Workforce Pro WF-C5290DW [INTERNAL!]
  • Workforce Pro WF-C5790DWF [INTERNAL!]
  • ArtixScan 3200 XL
  • ArtixScan F1
  • ArtixScan F2
  • ArtixScan M1
  • ScanMaker 1000 XL
  • ScanMaker 1000 XL Plus
  • ScanMaker 9800 XL Plus
  • ScanMaker i800 Plus
  • ScanMaker i900
  • OpticBook 3800L
  • OpticBook 3900
  • OpticBook A300 Plus
  • OpticPro A320
  • OpticPro A320E
  • OpticPro A360 Plus

Testing SilverFast ExpressScan

You can test the ExpressScan with our Archive Suite demo version. Therefore, please install both components, SilverFast Ai Studio and HDR Studio. Initially, please open each software once to start the demo period. The feature is only available in SilverFast Ai Studio when both programs have been started once. Of course you may also combine a full version and a demo version to test the ExpressScan feature.

Tip for owners of an Epson Perfection V700, V750, V800 and V850

The arrangement of the images on the scanner’s flatbed is crucial for the speed gain of the ExpressScan feature. Positioning images on the scanner without using a holder is always possible and it is necessary for photo prints for which there is no holder. Therefore these scanners have two focus levels, which guarantee sharp scans by adjusting the focus either for use with a holder or for use directly on the glass surface. If you use the scan mode for the entire glass surface, it is not possible to use the infrared channel for dust and scratch removal with these Epson scanners. Although more images can be mounted without a film holder, we believe in the advantages of using the original Epson holders.

The more images that fit horizontally next to each other in the holder, the greater the speed gain with the ExpressScan is. If large quantities of negative strips need to be scanned, owners of an Epson Perfection V800 Photo or Epson Perfection V850 Pro should even consider purchasing a V700/V750 negative strip holder, as these holders can place four negative strips next to each other. Many users prefer the glassless holders anyway, as the acrylic glass cover of the V850 holders represents an additional layer that can lead to Newton rings when scanning. The V700/V750 holders also fit the V800/V850 hardware.

Tip for owners of an A3 scanner Epson Expression 10000XL, 11000XL, 12000XL and 13000XL

All users of an Epson A3 scanner can also enjoy the ExpressScan feature and scan much faster and more efficiently with the current version of our SilverFast Archive Suite. Two film holders can be positioned next to each other on the glass surface. This allows the ExpressScan to access twice the amount of images, which saves an enormous amount of time.

Pleasant side effect that saves time: The ExpressScan functionality protects the hardware of all supported scanners, as the scan carriage has to move over the flatbed significantly less often. This saves electricity, protects the mechanics and materials of the scanner and also reduces the amount of light that affects the image originals.

Speed comparisons – how do I scan faster?

Our infographic impressively illustrates the significant time savings you can achieve by using this innovative functionality. An Epson Perfection V800 Photo (64 bit HDRi, 2,400 ppi) was used here as an example.

There are film strip holders that can hold 3 film strips (V800 Photo, V850 Pro) and film strip holders that can hold 4 film strips (V700 Photo, V750 Pro). As you can see from the adjacent graphic, scanning and processing are faster with the film strip holder, which can hold 4 film strips. These holders also allow 25% more negative images to be scanned and processed in one pass. This measurement results in average values per image of approx. 42 seconds. Using a holder, which only holds 3 film strips, requires around 59 seconds per image.

Sample calculation

To illustrate the enormous time savings that can be achieved with the ExpressScan, let’s assume the following conservative calculation: Over a period of 30 years, 10 films are exposed per year (vacations, excursions, birthdays, Christmas, Easter, other festive occasions or celebrations …). Films usually allow 24 or 36 exposures, so we expect 30 images per film. This results in 6 film strips with 5 images per film.

30 (years) x 10 (films per year) x 6 (film strips per film) = 1,800 film strips (with 5 images each):

• Duration without ExpressScan (3-fold holder): approx. 303 hours
Duration with ExpressScan (3-fold holder): approx. 147 hours

• Duration without ExpressScan (4-fold holder): approx. 308 hours
Duration with ExpressScan (4-fold holder): approx. 106 hours

This example calculation shows that you can scan much faster using our patented SilverFast ExpressScan. In this example alone, the time saved is over 200 hours.

Expert recommendation

We at LaserSoft Imaging recommend using a 4-fold film strip holder and using the ExpressScan feature. We think there is no more effective way to create your own digital archive. Get started today, try our Archive Suite and shift into high gear with the new ExpressScan functionality.

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ExpressScan Press Release

December 14th, 2021. The new SilverFast release 9.1 offers a multitude of innovations: The ExpressScan (patented in the EU and USA) is a development for everyone who wants to scan a large number of images.

Archiving Software

Digitize your images fast and easy. The SilverFast Archive Suite is a package consisting of scanner software and imaging software for a subsequent image optimization which work together perfectly.