• SilverFast - Quality Scanner and Digital Imaging Software made in Germany since 1986

Epson Expression 12000XL

Additional Features

Benefit from additional features by upgrading to SilverFast Ai Studio. IFF+ is our feature highlight for automatic frame finding, i.e. no more manual drawing of the scan frames. All scan frames are found with a single mouse click. AACO is the Auto Adaptive Contrast Optimization that allows you to brighten darker image areas without affecting the mid-tones and highlights. Using AACO you can reveal more details in your images without burning the light areas. With Multi-Exposure you will increase the dynamic range that your Epson Expression Scanner can perceive.

SilverFast IFF+Engine

We developed the IFF+Engine (Intelligent Frame Finding) that intelligently searches for photos, slides and filmstrips, which lie on the flatbed or in the film holder. All image frames are now perfectly found. In addition, the frame outset option ensures that no images are cropped during scanning.

SilverFast AACO

SilverFast AACO (Auto Adaptive Contrast Optimization) is an excellent tool to lighten up shadow areas, which are too dark, without changing mid-tones and highlights. With AACO image details get visible in dark, low-contrast image areas that otherwise would remain hidden.

SilverFast Multi-Exposure

Multi-Exposure is a technique for increasing a scanner’s dynamic range and to reduce image noise – developed and patented by LaserSoft Imaging. The dynamic range of a scanner, also referred to as density range or contrast range, is a measurement for a scanner’s capability to recognize contrast levels. Contrary to reflective originals like photo transparent originals (black & white film), color negatives and slides consist of multiple film layers, which respond to light differently. Therefore, transparent originals achieve a high dynamic range when captured, which usually exceeds a scanner’s capabilities. As a consequence, especially in the very light and shadow image areas, image details get lost when scanning.

The dynamic range of each stage (capture, scanning, editing and storage) plays a crucial role in the quality of the final output. Generally, technologies with greater dynamic range produce better results.

Upgrade Now

Purchase your reasonable upgrade to the PREMIUM version SilverFast Ai Studio 9 today and, thanks to Multi-Exposure, benefit from high dynamic range scans for more details and significantly less image noise.  You will gain these advantages as well as additional functionality for a discounted price of only 99 €/$.

You can easily access the upgrade through your MySilverFast-Account via “Manage licenses” → “Upgrade”.

How does Multi-Exposure increase the Dynamic Range?

SilverFast Multi-Exposure records an original’s maximum dynamic range by performimg a double scan with an increased exposure time of the second scan. This procedure captures the light image area’s details in the first pass and the the shadow details in the second. Afterwards an algorithm calculates the final scan, which now contains any detail, from each single scan.

With Multi-Exposure the Dynamic Range of Epson scanners increases by an average of 100%. This enables the scanner to capture 10.000 levels of gray instead of just 5.012 compared to a normal scan. Dynamic Range measurements based on ISO 21550.

Video: Multi-Exposure

Watch our Video to learn more about SilverFast's patented Multi-Exposure functionality included with the Upgrade to SilverFast Ai Studio 9

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