• SilverFast - Quality Scanner and Digital Imaging Software made in Germany since 1986
Detect and remove typical Image Errors – Set Highlights and Shadows

16bit Histogram

Statistical Distribution of Grey Shades between Black and White

A histogram is a graphical representation of statistical frequency values. In image processing, it is well suited to represent the tonal distribution of gray or color values.

A histogram visualizes the distribution of brightness values ​​of an digital image and allows to predict contrast range and brightness. The histogram is a great tool to recognize and correct typical image errors such as under- and overexposure. Thus, the histogram is one of the most important SilverFast features.

SilverFast Histogram Modes

The SilverFast histogram can be displayed in different modes: as an additive representation created from the combination of all three color channels, transparently as an overlay of the three curves, or in three separate curves. You can also switch between RGB and CMY display.

additive display
additive display
transparent overlay
transparent overlay
RGB separated
RGB separated
CMY separated
CMY separated

The normal histogram, the additive display contains all three RGB channels and thus allows a quick adjustment of lights and shadows.

The representation of the histogram in a transparent overlay visualizes the relationship of the brightness values in the individual color channels.

With the separated RGB display, lights and shadows can be set individually for each color channel to remove color casts.

In the separated CMY display, the brightness continues from the left 0% (bright) to the right 100% (dark). This is a bit more catchy for many users.

Input & Output Histogram Video

Watch our Video to learn more about the Input & Output Histogram in SilverFast Ai Studio 9

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Histogram Gaps

Images that look normal at first glance can sometimes show very significant image errors. Under-exposed images, which are strongly brightened up, often get a sketchy histogram. Some other image processing steps can also damage the histogram and thus affect the quality of an image.

A histogram with numerous gaps represents an image with a low tonal range. Such aberrations are very easy to recognize with SilverFast. Just undock the window of the histogram tool from the tools dock and drag it wide using your mouse.

When editing images with SilverFast, make sure that the histogram of your image remains intact. You can follow your changes to the image at any time in the output histogram.

Tip: With SilverFast Ai Studio and HDR Studio you can switch to 16 bit histogram in the expert settings of the Densitometer dialog window.

Tip: In the histogram dialog, you can always display the output histogram by pressing the «ALT» key.

Histogram Video II

Watch our Video to learn more about SilverFast's Histogram

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Feature Range

SilverFast Version SE SE Plus Ai Studio
Adjustment of black point, white point and midtones
Histogram of combined or separated color channels
Color Cast Removal
RGB and CMY mode
Additive, separate und transparent display of the color channels
Color Space Compression
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