SilverFast High-End Suite for Heidelberg Scanners

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SilverFast High-End Suite available for Heidelberg Scanners

Award-winning SilverFast from LaserSoft Imaging is now available for Heidelberg CHROMAGRAPH 3300/3400, TOPAZ, TANGO/XL, NEXSCAN and PRIMESCAN scanners on Windows (2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7) and Macintosh OS-X (10.3 - 10.6).

Heidelberg has developed two very different kinds of scanners: Desktop flatbed scanners with transparency unit for negatives and slides on the one hand and high-end drum scanners for professional usage in the field of preprint on the other hand.

logo_der_spiegel_small "Der SPIEGEL", Europe's leading news magazine published in Hamburg, uses the combination of SilverFast Ai Studio and SilverFast HDR Studio to drive its high-end scanner, Heidelberg Nexscan.

"SilverFast allows us to finally use the latest Macs with Intel Processors" says Reinhard Wilms, editorial technician at "Der SPIEGEL".
Read the whole testimonial here...

The SilverFast High-End Suite contains:
Note: If you have a prior version and wish to upgrade to the actual High-End Suite please call our customer support by phone (+49 (0)431-56009-0) or write an email to:

SilverFast Ai Studio for CHROMAGRAPH 3300/3400, TOPAZ, TANGO/XL, NEXSCAN and PRIMESCAN scanner allows the full dynamic range of its hardware to be written into TIFF-data. This makes the reduction to 24bit RGB obsolete. The ability to save these 'raw' files and processing with SilverFast HDR Studio without any loss of quality opens up a whole new workflow...

Ultimate compatibilty for scanners is ensured when using hardware and firmware revisions which work with LinoColor 6 or NewColor 2.0. To test compatibility please install our free demo version. We recommend testing with the targeted hardware.
For further questions please contact us.
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