SilverFast HiRePP

Here comes SilverFast HiRePP®

Normally loading large image data (500 MB or higher) can be quite slow. With Photoshop it can take up to 3 minutes or more to load a 500 MB image.


SilverFast HiRePP will dramatically speed up the process of loading and working large image files.

HiRePP® Highlights:
  • Fastest industry imaging performance on standard PCs and Macs
  • Working with large files (500 MB and higher) in realtime
  • HiRePP with SilverFast JobManager to work with multiple images

How does HiRePP work?

HiRePP is working in 2 steps:

1. SilverFast HiRePP Scan
When scanning image data to a disk with SilverFast Ai, the HiRePP function implements the HiRePP requirements into the data.

2. SilverFast HDR Image Processing with HiRePP®
With SilverFast HDR the file can now be loaded and processed using the speed of HiRePP.

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SilverFast Highlights

IFF+Engine NEW!
Optimized Frame Detection

Multi-Exposure improved!
Increased Dynamic Range

ICC Printer Calibration improved!
Color calibrate your Printer

HDR + infrared data

Dust and Scratch Removal

Printer Calibration NEW!
Optional Feature

Hot-Folder NEW!
Image processing in batch mode

Auto IT8 Calibration improved!
Color calibrate your Scanner

Kodachrome NEW!
Kodachromes without Blue Cast

more highlights
Scanner Quick Info

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